OK madjbs. I guessed it was but not sure...
So, yes, even for a 2001 model, in any BMW dealer you can order the two rear "plastic-cases-looking-like-aluminium". Usually, delay, about 10 to 15 days, because... coming from "Deutschland". Price, if I remember well, is about 40000 Bahts, all included (nuts, paniers, this and that...).
At least it was so some months ago...
IMHO, if you have some time, maybe you can check for many advices here:
All about F650GS luggages (more a ton of infos too!).
Please, allow me to give you my opinion:
These paniers (though they fit nice and are well designed) are known for "not to be strong enough" for heavy duty... They are pretty good to go daily to your "office job" bringing your suit in... Nothing wrong with this, just a quote...
For my part I shouldn't choose this system after having had a "hand touch" on it: plastic, plastic and... glued plastic!
But it's only my opinion...
More over, the specially designed tank bag (available too on order, about 8000 Bahts) is very "functionnal" (?), reliable and well designed. But one more time, though I own one, I have some doubts in case of heavy duty... I think it's more a "city-thing"... At least, in case of a light drop, it can't be ruined where it is settled!..