Bringing motorcycle from Vietnam into Laos - New Law?

My husband and I would like to bring two Honda Wins we bought in Hanoi to Laos via the Tay Trang border crossing (near Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam). We heard that in the past, bringing Vietnamese motorcycles into Laos was not a huge issue. However, we also heard that there's been a possible change of law recently and that Laos authorities don't allow foreigners with Vietnamese bikes to come into the country anymore. Is this true? Has anyone had experience crossing the border in recent months? A motorbike agency in Hanoi mentioned something about hiring a Vietnamese driver in Dien Bien Phu to drive the bikes across the border for us, but that of course, is not... preferable. Would love to hear from anyone who's done this though.

Thanks so much for any advice you can provide!