Laos-Viet-Cambodia Marker


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Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong ... sage/14163

2008-0119 - VNA - Landmark planted on border line T-junction

Landmark planted on border line T-junction
10:20' 19/01/2008 (GMT+7)
VietNamNet Bridge - A landmark has been planted on the T-junction of the border
line between Viet Nam , Laos and Cambodia.

A ceremony to inaugurate the landmark was held at the site on January 18 with
the co-chairmanship of Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Dao Viet Trung,
Cambodian Senior Minister in charge of Border Affairs Var Kim Hong, and Lao
Deputy Foreign Minister and Head of the National Border Committee Phongsavad

Present at the ceremony were representatives from three countriesโ€™ relevant
ministries and agencies, authorities and people of three bordering provinces,
Kon Tum of Viet Nam, Attopeu of Laos and Rattanakiri of Cambodia.

The 2m-high granite landmark is placed on a mountain peak at an altitude of
1,086m which was the intersection of the three countriesโ€™ border lines.

Construction of the landmark by central highlands Kon Tum province started in
December 2007 under the supervision of the three countriesโ€™ experts.

Representatives from the three countries agreed that the T-junction border
landmark was planted in accordance with the border treaties signed by the three
countries. They also expressed hope that the landmark would become a tourist

They shared the view that the erection of the landmark show the will, aspiration
and determination of the three countriesโ€™ governments and people to jointly
deal with border issues and it was an evidence of the mutual confidence,
understanding and cooperation between the three countries.

The three governmentsโ€™ officials affirmed the resolve to complete the land
border demarcation between Cambodia and the other two countries, while building
more and upgrading landmarks on the Viet Nam-Lao border line.

All of the works are aimed to serve for the Development Triangle Programme that
was agreed by the three countriesโ€™ Prime Ministers to build, protect and
manage the common border line, thereby building a border of peace, friendship,
cooperation and development, they stressed.