Newbie to GTRider

Hey Guys. Just joined the forum and looks like a great community! I live in Cambodia and there is some great riding here, from deep sandy Single track in the dry season to muddy bogs in the wet. It's a pretty flat country but there is some great  technical riding in the mountainous border regions. What are your fav. riding conditions?

Thought I'd tell you about my rides as well;

I got a '08 WR450F and a '04KTM 450 EXC. Used to ride the WR250F, but recently upgraded. Gotta say was the right move!. I've attached some pics below.



Drop us a line if you're ever in Siem Reap, for advice on road conditions etc...

Thanks for having me on GT Rider.
Gday & welcome to GTR.

It looks like you've got the right bikes for exploring Cambodia as the country does seem to be a bit of a dirt riders paradise.

If you were to rate a top 5 dirt rides for Cambodia what do you think they would be?

There's a question here

about some roads if you know & want to reply would be cool.