Tony and Trent's Metric Iron Butt! 1120km in a day (^_^)v

Dec 27, 2007
Wow- what a ride!

1120km in a day on a Kawasaki Ninja 650R and Yamaha Fazer FZ6! :mrgreen: In some countries that doesn't sound like much- back in the US I've done 1000 miles in a day but it's all wide American highways without any of the obstacles we run across here in Thailand.

Our routes and distances differed slightly. From Nakhon Ratchasima Trent returned home on the highway (big mistake!) while I opted for the 304 through Wang Nam Kiao, Tap Lan National Park and Chacheongsao. My way was ~50km longer, but I made it home 30 minutes before Trent because I didn't have to battle the bumper to bumper Sunday evening traffic that Trent encountered.

Here's the way I went:,100.574684+to:Route+12+to:Route+2%2FMittraphap+to:Route+2%2FMittraphap+to:Route+304+to:Thanon+Chao+Khun+Thahan+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Thanon+Rama+IX+to:Thanon+Asok+Montri+to:Naradhiwas+Rajanagarindra+24%2FWat+Pho+Maen+to:Unknown+road&hl=en&geocode=FYgF0QAdmB3-BQ%3BFRqv0QAdW3T-BQ%3B%3BFbuH_wAdFmkIBg%3BFYy89wAdYB8gBg%3BFb9H5AAdWTYVBg%3BFSMG0QAd-O8FBg%3BFWbR0QAdpvsBBg%3BFRWD0QAdyTEBBg%3BFdyn0QAd1pYABg%3BFfSw0QAdeIv_BQ%3BFazC0QAd6Hf-BQ%3BFREU0QAdGBj-BQ%3BFcgK0QAdzRn-BQ&mra=dpe&mrcr=1&mrsp=2&sz=15&via=2,4,11,12&sll=13.799032,100.566401&sspn=0.02013,0.038581&ie=UTF8&ll=15.183482,102.32666&spn=3.577867,4.938354&z=8


Great ride! Took quite a bit longer than expected because Trent got a flat tire and we had to figure out how to use the new Tire Plugger that Bard got for us.

The Tire Plugger worked like a charm once we stopped to read the instructions! Awesome product!

Then I got ahead of the group and just beat a thundercloud that dumped on them and led them to stop for a while. I took advantage of my big lead to do a warm up run on highway 12 up to Nam Nao National Park and back. What a stunning road! Always puts a big permagrin on my face ;D (That extra lap is also why I racked up 1120 km instead of the 1089km shown on the map)

Took video too which I'll post up once edited.

Got back to the rendezvous point in Lom Sak just as the boys were finishing lunch and we headed out again. This time there was some rain that slowed us down a bit. I was feeling very lucky that I hit it earlier while it was still dry.

Once we reached Khon Kaen Trent and I headed on back to Bangkok on the highway 2 and the Sunday afternoon traffic was getting thick. Stopped shortly before Nakhon Ratchasima and I asked Trent which way he wanted to go back. I suggested the 304 which is a beautiful road over the mountains to Chachoengsao but Trent wanted to take the highway. I said cool, we can figure out which way is faster, and off we went.

Nakhon Ratchasima to Bangkok via the 304 is 308km:,7&sll=14.95457,102.075005&sspn=0.040052,0.077162&ie=UTF8&z=8

Nakhon Ratchasima to Bangkok via Highway 2 is 259km:,101.295835&sspn=1.285301,2.469177&ie=UTF8&ll=14.155219,101.304932&spn=1.286286,2.469177&z=9

Turns out my way, which is about 50km longer, was also quite a bit faster and infinitely more pleasant because I had hardly any traffic to deal with while Trent said that it was bumper to bumper all the way back to Bangkok on the highway. Yuck! :oops:

So- pretty happy to have done my first Metric Iron Butt here in Thailand. The Ninja 650R was quite comfortable. Only complaint was that I had a tank mounted camera that kept me from tucking in properly during the fast bits.

And it was a GREAT warm up for our ride to Malaysia for the MotoGP in less than 2 weeks! Can't wait! Perhaps I'll do an Imperial Iron Butt on the way back to Bangkok- 1000 miles or 1600km! Should be FUN!

Happy Trails!



Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Hi Tony

Congrats for your 1st,, you did 1120km in 16h31min? that makes 67,8KMH average speed,, not bad..not bad, how many brakes you guys had?

remember mine 1061km in 13.5hrs what makes my average 75KMh, with 7 stops.

you must left also very early from Bkk?
did you have any time to take pic?

trent flat,, was there a lot of speed on that time? lucky if not and stay up...

Tire plugger is great and very easy to use and fast way to get flat fixed,, i have one also as standard tool kit.

you guys heading to Franz?


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Tony & Trent
You guys are going great guns - trying to wear your new bikes out a little. :lol: :lol:
Well done. It's really hard knocking up the kms here as it is difficult to maintain any fast safe cruising speed without getting into trouble.
So to do 1,000 kms in a day here is alright. You've gotta ride & keep your wits about you. All day with no concentration lapses!

:eek: The Snail used to ride Chiang Mai - Hatyai non-stop (10 years ago), sleep 3-4 hrs waiting for the border to open, then ride onto Singapore for a couple of nights, then back again! So you might want to have a crack at the one too next. 8)

Love it all - keep going.


Dec 18, 2007
Way to go Tony!!

You definately picked the better route. Love the 304.

Where do you guys get the tyre plug kits?


Nov 10, 2003
Yes, also interested in the tyre kit as up to now I have had luck with no flat tires but want to be ready "just in case".

Saw on TV that Tony was not allowed to tell where to get it but I assume that the GT Rider site is a bit more flexible.


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Auke wrote: Yes, also interested in the tyre kit as up to now I have had luck with no flat tires but want to be ready "just in case".

Saw on TV that Tony was not allowed to tell where to get it but I assume that the GT Rider site is a bit more flexible.

Remember on of the Capt Slas report he had a picture of it and i have tryed to locate that but cant find it, but you can find that S@#$te as they call it from any big tyre replacement shop as i did, buy it 3 striped 50thb each, will take only few sec to "stick" that inside your tyre if you have right punch tool and it will seal the hole immediately, then just wait few min it to dry and cut rest away from outside..


Nov 10, 2003

Thanks. Yes, now I remember. It was the captain who wrote about it and he bought it somewhere on the south side of the moat. Will have a look later when I'll be in town.
Dec 27, 2007
Thank you all for your kind comments!

Here's the Pocket Tire Plugger that many of us are now carrying-

It's so incredibly easy to use and doesn't create the horrible mess that the tire sealant sprays do. They're not cheap- Bard bought a bunch from the US and was able to get a wholesale price of about US$50/kit with shipping included.

I know the type of plug strips and punch tool that Marco is talking about, but unless you've had some practice plugging holes that way it's actually a lot harder than it sounds. And don't forget you would still need to carry a compressor or pump or something to re-inflate the tire.

I remember when Trent had a flat on his old XJR1300 when we were riding the Golden Triangle with David from Chiang Khong. David had a tire repair kit with the "sticky plugs" and a punch tool and the CO2 cartridges, but despite MANY attempts none of us could manage to pull the punch tool out without pulling out the plug along with it... :?

In the end we had to give up and walk the bike to a nearby shop where they plugged the hole in no time. Very lucky there was a shop nearby because I don't know how else we would have fixed that puncture.

I received tons of inquiries about the kit on ThaiVisa and I'm hoping Bard will order a bunch more that we can pass them along to our biker friends and sell at future bike weeks.

Happy Trails!

Dec 27, 2007
Davidfl wrote: Tony & Trent

:eek: The Snail used to ride Chiang Mai - Hatyai non-stop (10 years ago), sleep 3-4 hrs waiting for the border to open, then ride onto Singapore for a couple of nights, then back again!

WOW! That is AMAZING! :shock: Have I met this Snail fellow? Sounds like a CHAMPION! Hats off to the Snail! 8)


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
TonyBKK wrote: [quote quote=Davidfl]Tony & Trent

:eek: The Snail used to ride Chiang Mai - Hatyai non-stop (10 years ago), sleep 3-4 hrs waiting for the border to open, then ride onto Singapore for a couple of nights, then back again!

WOW! That is AMAZING! :shock: Have I met this Snail fellow? Sounds like a CHAMPION! Hats off to the Snail! 8)
The Snail should be closing in on Phillip Island for MotoGP right now, but in his BMW Car. I'll try to get him to post some piccies.

Sadly the Snail's gone ... t5705.html

Another of the Snail’s claim to fame was his day ride Chiang Mai - Houei Xai- Luang Prabang in a day on his 998 Ducati last year. ... t4963.html


Oct 2, 2008
Congrats Tony, now you and Trent have done it. Same as me had to do it remember, when it was done it was another tick in my box.

Well done and I am glad to see the tire plugger was there and helpful.

Been contacted by a lot of guys if I have more of these available, sorry all sold out.

Should there be interest I can get hold of more of them and get them shipped in.

Cheers Bard
Sep 4, 2007
Hi Bard,
I am sure there will be quite a bit of interest. You could put me down for 2 sets if you do order. In the meantime I will watch the video another 20 times to try and memorise all the steps. Do you think there is a similar video for the Thai version of the kit. Maybe, stick it in, pull it out. Inflate, if problem, do again and again and again, it will work eventually :p
Dec 27, 2007
There definitely seems to be a lot of interest in the tire plugger kits. I got tons of PM's over on that other LAME site that rhymes with TB asking about 'em. :wink:

Finally a little video from the ride! This is the beautiful highway 12 from Lomsak to Nam Nao National Park. Brilliant road!
Happy Trails!


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Nice clip Tony

and good camera position.

bit soaked road in the end but nice to see tha tyou guys took it easy...

See you soon...Today is the day that panzar wagen should come home,, i say "should" as this is thailand and still has not get 100% confirmation of it..


Jun 28, 2007
Tony & Trent, again I'm jealous on how much you enjoy riding :lol: !!!! Good report as usual 8) !!!!
Marco, just make sure that the mechanic also delivers you with the leftover connectors, bolts & screws. then you start the puzzle in finding out where 'he' forgot them. Also an investment into a torque wrench is a good idea just checking the major connections........... :cry: Anyway happy to have you on the bike again and not on the livingroom sofa in front of the TV, sucking on some brown - green - gold bottle of FHP..... :twisted: , I'm sure Peter can't await to see more banana-tree parking, cheers, Franz
Dec 27, 2007
Cheers Marco!
That's great news that the Panzer Wagon will soon be back in action! I bet you can't wait! Been a long time without a bike which is never fun.
Hope to see you on the road again very soon!
Emphasis: "ON THE ROAD!" Ha ha ha!!!

Ha ha ha!!! I LOVE that pic!
Ride On!