Bring Ones Toys To Thailand


For sometime, I have been tossing around the idea of retiring to Thailand, up north. There’s a lot/some stuff I’ve collected over the years, that I’d like to restore when I have time on my hands. Yes motorcycles old and a couple of track bikes. The old yamahas are currently in boxes and the track bikes functional, new R6 and an RGV 250 or 2. I’d like to drive down to Chang to do track days and I’ve raced Sepang a few times in the past.
And maybe a couple of dirt bikes.
What are the restrictions on personal affect importation?
Can anyone pass on any experiences about entertaining these sorts of thoughts.
Regards Wazza
Only caveat is due to them being used bikes you will be unable to register them and get green books without a lot of work. Link describes a success story with a BMW
Post #83
Only caveat is due to them being used bikes you will be unable to register them and get green books without a lot of work. Link describes a success story with a BMW
Post #83
The link doesn’t seem to work. How do I otherwise find it? Rds Waz
I got a link on , car importation, lots of sad tales.
A mine field, especially if it seemed, in my instance, like a good way to keep busy. Haven’t read any good reason to even attempt a m/c collection import(6-8 bikes)
I’d probably take up serious revenge if I saw 2 RZ 500s smoking around the burbs after being fleeced.
Even if they looked like scattered parts and some customs officer got a whiff of it, you are over a barrel without redress.
A bit disappointing but I had to ask the question. But nonetheless getting wiser.
Rds Waz
Sorry, sad to say...not worth the effort. You probably will never be able to get them registered.
I guess the only question remaining is, would it be different if it were a Thai National importing said goods?
Had to ask before conceding defeat and weeping.