Chiang Mai Thru Myanmar To India... Possible Now?


New Member
So, I've rented bikes in Laos and done loops in NW Thailand and would like to buy a bike in Chiang Mai and ride to Delhi, via Myanmar, India, Nepal and India again. Is this possible today without having to use a tour operator? Thanks... Alex
So, I've rented bikes in Laos and done loops in NW Thailand and would like to buy a bike in Chiang Mai and ride to Delhi, via Myanmar, India, Nepal and India again. Is this possible today without having to use a tour operator? Thanks... Alex

Guide and permits still mandatory for any foreign vehicles in Myanmar. Carnet neccesary to enter India and its difficult to get for a foreign rider.
Guide and permits still mandatory for any foreign vehicles in Myanmar. Carnet neccesary to enter India and its difficult to get for a foreign rider.
Thanks for the note. Do you have any links for me to research for the Myanmar requirements and guides and the required Carnet requirements for India.
Thank you,
So, I've rented bikes in Laos and done loops in NW Thailand and would like to buy a bike in Chiang Mai and ride to Delhi, via Myanmar, India, Nepal and India again. Is this possible today without having to use a tour operator? Thanks... Alex

Not likely you will have to organize it all via tour a agency.
Border Crossings

Sounds like you have some good experience riding in the area & done some good trips; if you want to pst some tips & info from your rides on GTR you are most welcome to.
I have a friend who rode a scooter (with another guy) from Germany to Bangkok. I can provide a link to his blog if that is allowed here.
Click on the British flag top left corner, then Travel Blog to read each section of the trip. The trailer (located under "Itinerary") is pretty cool; my friend Bernd is a good photographer. Also, a summary of his thoughts on traveling through each country can be found under "Countries".