Chiang Mai Toy Ride

Feb 5, 2007
Posted this in the wrong forum so here it is again:

The new Richco Motorsports shop in Chiangmai is willing to be the annual sponsor of a Christmas Toy Ride and I foolishly offered to get it organised.

Initial thought is to model it along what I am familiar with in Canada, IE everyone brings a new toy, go on a nice ride, and donate the toys to a charity, orphanage etc. Naturally some will not have the forethought to bring a toy so money will need to be handled.

It is for the kids, and everyone is welcome from Harleys to Vespas.

Perhaps during CM Bike Week?
Given that Christmas is not a big deal to the local community, is a New Years charity ride better? OTOH, there is nothing like a fat guy in a Santa suit riding a hog loaded down with toys

Any and all comments are welcome, as are offers to help me organise it.

(Edit Note: changed title from Christmas Toy Ride to Chiang Mai ToyRide)
Sep 19, 2006
Hi HogHead,
Great to meet you yesterday and as we discussed Great Idea. Let me know if we at the X-Centre can be of any Help? This is one of the Biggest Day Rides of the Year back in NZ a real event with loads of Bikes and Stars turning up!!! Money is more helpful than Toys but here the Hard part will be insuring it goes to where it was supposed to and Doesn't end up in Pockets on the way!!! Christmas is not a Big thing so some Dates to Consider which have some meaning Here:
December 2007:
5th Fathers Day, King's Birthday.
10th Constitution Day.
31st New Years Eve.
January 2008:
12th Childrens Day.
Something to Start the Ball rolling anyway. Good Luck to Richco and his new Shop! Let me know as soon as it is open and i will be there for a look. Cheers Ian.
May 25, 2006
Hi Friends,

In between, just add the Election day which should take place on the 23rd of December 2007.
Dec 5, 2006
Have done a few charrity runs here.
Lots of fun.probably what ian said ,,money is more important.
If i get back to before xmas..dont mind giving a hand.
Chang mai bike week would be good.
Just about where the money goes???
Allways keen for a bit of chartity


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong

Originally posted by Hoghead

Posted this in the wrong forum so here it is again:

The new Richco Motorsports shop in Chiangmai is willing to be the annual sponsor of a Christmas Toy Ride and I foolishly offered to get it organised.

Initial thought is to model it along what I am familiar with in Canada, IE everyone brings a new toy, go on a nice ride, and donate the toys to a charity, orphanage etc. Naturally some will not have the forethought to bring a toy so money will need to be handled.

It is for the kids, and everyone is welcome from Harleys to Vespas.

Perhaps during CM Bike Week?
Given that Christmas is not a big deal to the local community, is a New Years charity ride better? OTOH, there is nothing like a fat guy in a Santa suit riding a hog loaded down with toys

Any and all comments are welcome, as are offers to help me organise it.

Good idea, cause & a lot of work, but why not have a crack at it.
We need to meet up & discuss it.
The Kafe is always good for me.
Have PM-ed you my mobile number.

Great idea and thanks to Ian for posting prospective dates.

My vote would go to Childrens Day on 12 January. The reason being that we'd be doing it for the kids and maybe for the less fortunate ones whom we'd be targetting, they don't get the opportunity to go to the temple or where ever to join in the fun. Also, anyone that holidays outside of Thai for Xmas is likely to be back to donate/join in.

OK so it's past Christmas but instead of just having a fat b*stard in a red coat, we could ALL go in fancy dress, maybe assembling at Tha Pae Gate?


Mar 15, 2003
Good idea Pikey! Children's Day makes a lot of sense.

I also agree with the idea that a certain charity needs to be chosen and donations geared to what THEY NEED. I participated in a clothing drive here a couple years ago to assist a hilltribe near Wiang Haeng. It was organized by a radio station and they needed 4 wheel drives and drivers. A total of only 3 trucks (including me) hauled more useless s**t, and discarded worn out farang clothes, and even old home decorations that these people had absolutely no need for up the mountain. A total wasted effort that did little to address their ACTUAL needs.
Feb 5, 2007
It has become apparent that this event will be pretty large, and far too much for me to arrange on my own. I am putting together an organising committee to meet at Tuskers later this week to get the ball rolling.

Please let me know if you are willing to participate. So far Rich from Richco Motorsports, David, and Chas from Tuskers are on board in addition to myself.


Oct 14, 2005
I think it's a great idea to we are going to try to organize a cha cha group from Udon this year and attend the bike week. I scratched of when I heard aboth the ride through town at 160 with a Police Escort, not my thing.

Anyone know when it is scheduled this year?

Having attended the VFW Christmas party here many times they know what Christmas is, wife never forgets it LOL. The kids do get a kick out of photos on Santas lap.

Yes everyone is correct money is needed the problem is where is it gong to go.
Feb 5, 2007
Meeting at Tuskers this Thursday at 7:30 for those interested in either participating on the organising committee or just throwing out ideas.

Tuskers is just off the moat road near Migels. Look for the small white sign on moat road and go down the soi about 20m
Chaiyaphum, Soi 1

The publican, Chas Begley has offered to work on the committee.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Well it's not quite the Christmas Toy Ride now, but the Chiang Mai Toy Ride & it's scheduled for Sunday 6th January 2008.
Planned to start from Lotus Khamtieng, for a lap around town, then a bigger lap "the Samoeng Loop," & ending up at Huay Thung Tao.
More details to come as the plan firms up.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
The proposed toy ride is now official & called The Chiang Mai ToyRide.
The event is scheduled for Sunday 6th January 2008.

All bikes big & small are welcome to join this inaugural event in Chiang Mai.

A website is being set up.

Meanwhile preliminary info is already up on the main GT Rider site at
1. Latest news. Scrolling panel right side.
2. Events. Chiang Mai ToyRide ... events.htm

The long term aim is to make this the biggest charity motorcycle event in S E Asia & we think that it could be one of the first, if not the first, Toy Rides in S E Asia?

Anyway to make this event a success we need your participation & sponsorship from any interested parties.

CHIANG MAI TOYRIDE 2008: In Aid of Disadvantaged Children

SPONSORSHIP PROPOSALSThe 2008 Charity ToyRide will be a major Chiang Mai event and offers excellent promotional opportunities for companies and businesses to reach the Chiang Mai community and support a charitable cause.
The event will involve the spectacle of hundreds of motorcycles parading through Chiang Mai city laden with toys and a big charity party at Huai Tung Tao Lake. The ToyRide will involve hundreds of participants, receive wide coverage of television, radio and the Thai and English language print media, feature in specialist motorcycle magazines and be seen by tens of thousands of people in the city.
The Chiang Mai ToyRide intends to become the biggest event of its kind in Asia and business supporters are offered the chance to be involved at its inception at take advantage of an unparalleled promotional opportunity.


Headline Sponsor Cost – 20,000 baht
Our most attractive package - have your companies name synonymous with the event and receive headline coverage on the run up to the event, the day itself and at following toy presentations to children.
Package includes –
• Lead billing on event posters and in event press releases.
• Banner advertisement and link on the event websites homepage
• A sponsor’s page on the website exclusive to your company
• Lead positioning on the event T-shirt
• A Banner at the event start and the event party
• A free premium exhibit space at the event party

Major Sponsor Cost – 5,000 baht
Package includes -
• A logo on the event poster
• An advertising box and link on the homepage of the website
• A prominent listing on the website’s sponsors page
• A position on the back of the event T-shirt
• A discount on a booth at the event party

Supporters Cost – 1,000 baht
An ideal way for smaller businesses to be involved in and support the event -
• A listed link on the websites homepage
• A listing on the website’s sponsors page

For more information and to discuss sponsorship options contact:
Email: [email [email protected]][email protected][/email]
Thai: Bobby Chaichan. Telephone: 086 919 6945 ... erms=Shark
English: Robert Straghan. Telephone: 084 809 6610


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Chiang Mai ToyRide 2008: In Aid of Disadvantaged Children

Summary of the Event

Following the success and popularity of similar events in other parts of the world the Chiang Mai motorbike community has come together to organise a Chiang Mai ToyRide for disadvantaged children.
The event will take place on Sunday January 6th 2008.
Hundreds of motorcycles of all types and sizes will ride through the city to collect a massive pile of toys which will be donated to needy children. The event will include a ride around Chiang Mai and an optional loop to Samoeng and end with a big charity party at Huai Tung Tao Lake.

All Chiang Mai motorcyclists are invited to join the event regardless of whether the bike they ride is large or small. All that is asked is that participants bring along a new toy that can be given to needy children.

The toys will be distributed by the non-profit organization Give and Live.

It is expected that the event will create a great deal of media interest and that it will become an annual event. It is our aim to make the Chiang Mai ToyRide the biggest event of its kind in Asia.

Objectives of the Event
1. To collect toys to give to disadvantaged Thai children and bring a smile to their faces
2. To promote goodwill between the Thai and overseas motorbike riding community and the people of Chiang Mai
2. To have fun!

Event Timetable
Sunday January 6th
1. Buy a toy and meet at the Tesco Lotus Khamtien at 10:00 am
2. A motorcycle parade through the city (see accompanying map for the proposed route)
3. A road ride out to Samoeng, Riders not wishing to go so far can proceed direct to Huai Tung Tao Lake
4. Afternoon/evening party at Huai Tung Tao Lake, including food and drink vendors, fun and games and most importantly, a presentation of toys to local needy
children with the help of Give and Live.

Saturday January 12th – Children’s Day
There will be presentations of toys to different groups of hospitalized and disadvantaged children throughout the city. Interested riders are welcome to come along.

Hundreds of motorcycles adorned with toys riding through Chiang Mai will create an amazing spectacle and generate tremendous interest. The 2008 Chiang Mai ToyRide will be a major charity event that is set to become an important part of the city’s calendar. Everyone is invited to participate and join the fun.

For More Informatio please contact:
Email: [email [email protected]][email protected][/email]
English: Charles Begley. Telephone: 087 180 4665
Thai: Bobby Chaichan. Telephone: 086 919 6945 ... erms=Shark


Nov 10, 2003
Tried to see what was going on with the toy ride but the websiteof the Chiang Mai ToyRide website at can not be accessed. Anyone have the latest info on the status of the ride?


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Davidfl wrote:

Headline Sponsor Cost – 20,000 baht
Our most attractive package - have your companies name synonymous with the event and receive headline coverage on the run up to the event, the day itself and at following toy presentations to children.
Package includes –
• Lead billing on event posters and in event press releases.
• Banner advertisement and link on the event websites homepage
• A sponsor’s page on the website exclusive to your company
• Lead positioning on the event T-shirt
• A Banner at the event start and the event party
• A free premium exhibit space at the event party

Major Sponsor Cost – 5,000 baht
Package includes -
• A logo on the event poster
• An advertising box and link on the homepage of the website
• A prominent listing on the website’s sponsors page
• A position on the back of the event T-shirt
• A discount on a booth at the event party

Supporters Cost – 1,000 baht
An ideal way for smaller businesses to be involved in and support the event -
• A listed link on the websites homepage
• A listing on the website’s sponsors page

For more information and to discuss sponsorship options contact:
Email: [email [email protected]][email protected][/email]
Thai: Bobby Chaichan. Telephone: 086 919 6945 Link removed
English: Robert Straghan. Telephone: 084 809 6610

A joint bank account has been set up for the Toy Ride. Details are

David Unkovich and,
Robert Straghan, and
Richard Wilson

A/C #: 507-2-02239-7
Bank: Thanachart.
Branch: Airport Plaza, Chiang Mai.

Anyone wishing to donate please use the above account details & send email advice to
Robert Straghan
[email [email protected]][email protected][/email]

If any riders are interested in having the GT Riders as a headline sponsor (with the GT Rider logo on the official shirt) @ 20,000 baht & wish to contribute, please leave a message here. I am already in as a major sponsor @ 5,000 baht, plus will be giving away free copies of the Mae Sa Valley Samoeng Loop map to all participating riders on the Samoeng Loop.

Hi David/Robert,

As the Bonnie is still temporarily off the road, you can stick me down for a "sweeper" type role from Tesco's and around the Samoeng Loop as I'll be on my XR with knobblies (or possibly even Kat's Airblade!) and therefore taking it easy.

Cheers & see you sunday.



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Volunteers who wish to help, please come to Martin's
PM Restaurant
Loi Kroh Soi 3
8PM Friday 4th Jan
for instructions on what / how to do.

Many thanks to all those who have offered their services off the board.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Davidfl wrote: Volunteers who wish to help, please come to Martin's
PM Restaurant
Loi Kroh Soi 3
8PM Friday 4th Jan
for instructions on what / how to do.

Many thanks to all those who have offered their services off the board.
Sorry gents that should be 6PM at PM Restaurant.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
A BIG THANK YOU to all those riders who went on the 1st Chiang Mai ToyRide, or just helped organise & make things run smoothly on the day.
There were no accidents or stuff ups that caused any problems.

For the record 70 riders went on the "long ride" doing the Samoeng Loop.
Another 70? went direct to Huay Tung Tao. So maybe a total of 200 bikes max on the day.

We believe the event was a success & well received. There will be more in the future.

Photos, plus statements of money raised on the day, are coming.

THANK YOU all again.