Chiang Mai Trip 6


Dec 18, 2007
Left Mae Sariang South on R105 to Mae Sot. The road sort of comes in 3 sections; the first is passing lots of small villages and rolling through the countrside, then it's up into the mountains on a small mountain road and then finally a real good mountain/hill/valley section.
The middle section of the small mountain road is approx 40km and is bumpy, ripply with some holes. Not so good on a road bike. But the final and longest section is great and more than makes up for it, except for a few km where they are rebuilding (see pics below).





There are several refugee encampments/settlements along the final section and I'm never sure about stopping and taking photos, but they seem lovely folk waving and shouting 'hello' as you ride past. Have to stop next time.

Into Mae Sot and a little way out on the 105 to Tak is the Wattana Village Resort. Bit pricey; starts at B850 but it is lovely.




Nice restful place. So now it was the leg home and the only nice road left before I hit the Motorway to BKK was the 105 to Tak.
Started off early again, back in the clouds, mist & haze and finally stopped for a most needed hot coffee where I could only get this shot and the owner took my photo.



And that's it. A great trip, great riding, great scenery and great people met along the way.
Gonna do it again next year maybe over the Xmas/ New Year time.
Best season wishes to one and all.[/img]


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Many thanks for writing up your trip & contributing to the GT Rider board.

Overall what do you reckon were
1. Best road.
2. Best ride.
3. Best ghouse / accommodation.
4. Best restaurant / bar.
Any places / roads you would not go back to / avoid next time round?
Oct 17, 2006
This report is a wonderful example of perception and self perception.

Dougal writes

The middle section of the small mountain road is approx. 40km and is bumpy, ripply with some holes. Not so good on a road bike. But the final and longest section is great and more than makes up for it, except for a few km where they are rebuilding.


When I rode the very same road, I tremendously enjoyed the bumpy middle section. And my bike is a road bike, full stop. I was alone hardly any cars, no bikes at all., sense of adventure.
Seeing the untouched beauty. Actually I felt privileged to be on that road, knowing and seeing that road construction will turn it into just another scenic road with substantially more traffic.
So I was happy to be there just in time.

Isnt it wonderful that we all experience our trips differently, never same same emotions.



Dec 18, 2007
Thanks Dave.

Tough questions as all the roads around Nan seem great and I did'nt ride half of them!
Best mountain roads were to Mae Hong Son, Mae Sariang & Mae Sot; also the 1083 to Na Noi (Nan). The 120 & 118 are eye openers.
Best ride and best motorbiking road is definitely the 1148. I tried to describe it in one of my reports; I don't know how well I did there, but I wanted to turn around at the end and ride it again!!
I was experimenting with guest houses and next year I'll try some different ones. The terrace and view at the Riverside G/H (Mae Sariang)have got to be hard to beat. There are a few G/H around the lake in Mae Hong Son and the location is brilliant.
Any places/roads I would'nt go back to? No, but i would try and find a more interesting route up North and definately go from Nan up around the Golden Triangle and back down to Chiang Mai.