Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride April 1- Welcome All

Jun 24, 2011
Hello all.
The following is an invitation to you to join some of us from Chiang Rai on a planned day out:). We would like to see our GT-Rider friends there. If anyone has questions, please contact us via e-mail on our website contact page. This is not a sponsored or tightly organized ride. It is pretty much a free-will ride and do your own thing in the company of other good people. We are just helping to spread the word and get it going.
Chiang Rai Saddlebags and Biker Gear

Various Chiang Rai riders will take a motorcycle day ride on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Tentative route suggested is heading out towards Phayao in a roundabout way, with a lunch stop at restaurants overlooking the lake at Phayao. There will be bikes and scooters of all sizes and riders of various skill and daring levels. The riders will find themselves riding in smaller groups of riders that share their biking styles. Included in the ride will be a longer route for those who ride faster and want to see and do more before the lunch rendezvous at Phayao. As in past rides, coffee stops, toilet breaks, smoke breaks, hiding from the brief rain shower, sightseeing and picture taking are up to the individual riders during the ride. There is no time limit, no hurry to finish the route and no requirement to stay with the group. Cars, trucks and others are welcome to attend the ride and share in the sites, views, fun, camaraderie and companionship. It isn’t all about bikes; it is about the day out and having a good time with some good people. An extended route can be added to the ride after the lunch break for those who need a longer day and others will head straight back to Chiang Rai via the shortest route. Wives, girlfriends, significant others who wish to go along but don’t want to spend the day on a bike are encouraged to buddy up and come along in carpools or other types of vehicles.

There will be a route planning meeting at Chiang Rai Saddlebags and Biker Gear “Coffee Stop” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, 31 March. All are invited to attend and contribute route suggestions. Email suggestions are welcome also and will be presented to all on the eve of the 31[sup]st[/sup]. Final route will be decided by the group and all input is welcome and needed. Start point will be the PTT fuel station and Amazon coffee shop on the Super Highway in Chiang Rai. Meet time for the ride will be approximately 08:30. Maps of the routes will be available to all who need one. Start time is approximately 09:00. Fuel, toilets, coffee and air for your tires is available at the start point. A Google map showing the start point will be sent out at a later date in case someone does not know where the PTT is.

As much as this is a chance to see some new roads or revisit familiar roads, it is also a great opportunity to meet some new people and begin to form some new friendships. The folks at Chiang Rai Saddlebags and Biker Gear have met hundreds of new people in the last year and we would really like all of them to have a chance to meet up with each other. There are many more interesting, fun and good people from many countries in this area than most of us know. In addition to the foreign riders, there will be a fair representation of the local Thai bikers.
This notice for the Day Ride has also gone out to our friends in Chiang Mai and other towns outside of Chiang Rai. If anyone needs a room for the night prior to, or after the ride, let us know. We can contact the Golden Land Hotel and see if we can arrange a special deal. Typical one night rent is 650 baht, including breakfast and they have covered bike and car parking right at your room door (carports for the rooms on the bottom floors).

If you wish to attend the planning meeting on the 31[sup]st[/sup] of March, please let us know so we can make sure we have enough seating. If you plan to attend the Day Ride, please let us know so we can plan for the size of the group and print the proper number of maps. If you have friends, acquaintances and fellow riders who may want to attend, please forward this information to them so they may choose to join us. Again, bike sizes, riding styles and vehicle types are not an issue here. All are welcome and all will find others who share their way of enjoying a day out. If you have a group or club that wants to join us as representing that group, come join us.

In case of a seriously rainy day, the ride will be postponed and rescheduled for a day in the near future with a favorable weather forecast. Until then set aside Sunday, the 1[sup]st[/sup] of April for the ride.

This notice has gone out in English to our English speaking friends and in Thai for our Thai speaking friends. Anyone please feel free to translate this to your home language or another and send it out via e-mail or via your websites to those who may benefit from it.
Jul 11, 2011
Well, as the local footy team are away on the 1st I'll make one. I'll come up to Chiang Rai on Saturday and ride on Sunday to Phayao then make my way back to Chiang Mai after lunch.
Sounds great and it would be nice to meet a few local people as I'm up that way quite often.


Dec 9, 2008
Sounds good. The hotel looks quiet that day so if one of my classics is running Ok I'll be there.
Jun 24, 2011
Welcome to attend, all of you. Looking forward to seeing everyone. For those of you who wish to get familiar with the start point, I have a map here with the PTT and Amazon coffee shop location marked on it.
The map legend is on the left.
If you need further clarification, let us know.
Jul 11, 2011
So far my decision to come up to this event has prompted another 6 to come with me.
We will be setting off from Mc. D's drive through at Meechok around 09:00 and intend to go to Chiang Rai via Phrao, Fang, Thaton, doi Mae Salong and approach CR from the north.
I reckon it's going to be a long haul now the hot weather has graced us but really looking forward to it.
Anyone in CM wanting to join us are more than welcome.
Jul 28, 2008
Cloughy;277879 wrote: So far my decision to come up to this event has prompted another 6 to come with me.
We will be setting off from Mc. D's drive through at Meechok around 09:00 and intend to go to Chiang Rai via Phrao, Fang, Thaton, doi Mae Salong and approach CR from the north.
I reckon it's going to be a long haul now the hot weather has graced us but really looking forward to it.
Anyone in CM wanting to join us are more than welcome.
Excellent, the more the merrier! I understand there will be three route options people can choose from with a rendezvous at a restaurant near the lake in Phayao for lunch. The meeting on Sat eve at CR Saddlebags is still going ahead which will confirm all details. See you there.
Jun 24, 2011
Hello all.

There will be two routes for the ride on April 1. There is a route for the faster bikes and a route for the not so fast.

Fast route is:
Leaving PTT start point, proceed on Route 1 to Route 118 turn off at Ban Mai. Right turn on Route118 and proceed to Route 120 just before Mae Kachan. Left turn on Route 120 into Phayao and follow the lake front.

Slower route is:
Leaving PTT start point, proceed on Route 1 just a few kilometers to Route 1020. Make the left onto Route 1020 and proceed to Route 1028 just past Chiang Khien. Right onto Route 1028 through Ko to Pa Ngae and Route 1126. Left on 1126 to Pa Daet and then right on Route 1202. Follow Route 1202 into Phayao ad follow the lake front.

Along the lake front in Phayao, look for a black Vigo (our support vehicle) parked at the entrance to a restaurant. We will decide from there where to eat. After lunch, some will do the high circuit overlooking the lake if they want and then all will head home via the same routes or the direct route (Route 1) for those in a hurry to get back to Chiang Rai. The Chiang Mai riders will break off after lunch and head to Chiang Mai

If you're lost or cannot find the meet points, you can call 089-429-4562 for directions or help.

Basic maps will be available at the start point at 09:00 a.m. for those who need one. Phone number exchange is encouraged.
Jul 11, 2011
Big thanks to everyone from Chiang Rai & beyond for making us all feel very welcome.
We had a great ride from CM on the Saturday but the pollution made the views almost non-existent.
Sunday was a great ride too with an excellent mix of bikes, both old & new.
All of us from CM enjoyed the ride and meeting everyone. Was good to put some faces to names.
Hope we can do it again sometime soon.
Jun 24, 2011
Hello all.

The day ride went really well. Thanks to all who attended and helped to make it an enjoyable day. I was impressed with the friendliness of the attendees and was very pleased to meet some new good people. Special thanks to the southern and northern groups who went the extra kilos to join us. We will be doing this once a month in the future and I hope you can attend again. We will continue to support the rides with ice, cold water, soda, snacks, and fruit in season. The ladies really enjoyed putting together the snack support package and trailing along in the truck and have said they want to continue doing that.

If anyone wants to be on the Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride mailing list, send me you e-mail address and you'll get the latest CR Day Ride info each month. You can contact me via our crsaddlebags website contact page or send me a pm here.

'til next time, stay safe.
Nov 23, 2010
A very good little ride out. must do it again soon now the Big Red PCX is about to have the first oil change and ready to kick some.......... Well it might be ready for the claimed 120kph. But next week is SK so in the dry for me.