Crash and bang on hwy13


Jan 5, 2008
I was heading south on HWY 13, going through the town of Kasi, when a Lao guy (here on in known as the dickhead) on a scooter, decides to ride out in front of me.

I had no were to to go, but almost pulled of the prefect back brake block passing maneuver until the rear tyre gripped when we hit the dirt making me and the dickhead hi side.

The dickhead went sailing through the air like superman, but i managed to say on a little longer, and just stepped off with out falling over.

So the bikes are lying there, I wasn't sure what to do, so calmly walked to me bike and grabbed the camera and took some photo's, occasinaly starring at the dickhead, as well as taking he's photo.

As you can see in the second shot, the dickhead, now with muddy jeans, is walking to the centre of the road (HWY 13) were about 120 by sanders have left left the noodle restaurants to see whats going on. At this stage I'm not sure what to do, till I look around and see the dickhead giving he's view of the incident with to the crowd with hands waving and pointing, and there was no doubt who he was intent on blaming. I'm not certain, but I'm sure I herd the words "white devil"

So I decided, seeing that no one was hurt, (tho he's going to be sore in the morning) to pick up my bike. I wheeled it forward a few feet and started straighten up the pannier bags. As I was doing this, the dickhead comes over and picks up he's bike. It was a mess, the road was littered was pieces that were once apart of he's bike. I wanted to take a photo of the bike and bits, but I thought that if Id stayed any longer I mite be paying for the damage.

So I slowly threw me over me bike, started it up, and with out looking at the dickhead or anyone else I, (white devil) just rode off.

A few km down the road I stopped for petrol, and to check out the damage to my bike. The only damage is a small scratch to the plastic radiator shroud.

From the moment we collided to moment, till I took off, would not have more than 2 minutes. In hindsight, that's was to long, I should have picked it up as soon as I seen he was ok, and then took off.

Anyone that's been ridding with me over here will tell you, no one rides slower and with with more care through towns than me. I'm paranoid about hitting some kid,.

In this case, the dickhead just rode straight out of the noodle shop onto the main Laos hwy, and the first time he bothered to look was when he herd my tyres searching for grip on the wet tar road. If Id had been 1 or 2 metres further down the road I would have had no option than to T-bone him.

Old saying.... "Farang look then turn....Lao people turn then look" and that is defanatly the case.



The dickhead.


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Nice to hear that you are ok,, never mind the dickhead, i know i should say that but the truth is that 9 out of 10 cases locals are riding with no bains on and could not care what will happen to then,, this time he was lucky, next time it might a car of truck,, and well, you can image the picture...


Mar 5, 2006
Relieved to read that you are OK and that it wasn't much, much worse.
You might want to check with Jimoi about which border exit to take.


Nov 17, 2004
ouch - but you got lucky for sure - head to the nearest temple mate.

I saw he lost his veggies

I'm in VTE today and ring me 020 238 5562


Mar 29, 2004
When I visited Laos in January, I bought 3rd party insurance for a DRZ400, cost Kip 60,000 (eight dollars) for 10 days.
AGL were the provider and they seem to have agents all over Laos.


Jan 5, 2008
Im getting a little jumpy. Riding down to Lax Xao at wheel came on a ute corzing two bikes going the other way to crash, with bodys and bikes in a bad way.
Then that night, I was heading for the night club (walking), and right outside my hotel in the middle of the road was a dead body. Not a very nice thing to see. And no doubt he died of massive head injuries. This guy was about 20yo, and to aviod a pot hole he went on the wrong side of the road and had a head on with a mini van.
Maybe if he had a helmet on he would have been ok.
So as I said...I was a little jumpy, and rode from Lax Xao to Thakhek sitting on about 30km per hour.

David, I allways make sure I get the AGL cover on the way inn.

Hey Jimoi, I rang but miss you...again, will try and meet up for a beer on the way back through.
