GT Rider Thailand - Laos Adventure Tour

Feb 20, 2010
I have seen this ride advertised on ADVRider, which brought me to this site,
I am very interested in riding along, but I cannot find any details listed here.
Could you please advise?
But I look forward to riding the Golden Triangle whatever the tour status is,
as I can see from this site that with a GT Rider map [and shirt?] nothing is too difficult, as all the information is here.
So kudos to the guy behind this site, and I look forward to raising a pint with youse sometime in April.

Hmmm, whilst ADVrider is a great site and well respected, I checked out that thread and would safely bet that is not the "David GT Rider" who is responsible for this site posting there but someone doing a pretty bad impersonation of him at his expense. The reason you can't find details listed here is because in all likelyhood, it's a bogus message.

Like you said yourself, you can suss a trip yourself with all the info here and a few maps. Post your itinery once you have a plan and we'll have a pint in Chiang Mai or somewhere along your route!




Mar 5, 2006
You don't need anyone to show you around.
Tho it's more fun riding with another and that can easily be arranged
by meeting bikers at either Mad Dogs for brekkie or No1 Bar over a few bevvies.
Other companionship can be found in less salubrious establishments, if that's your thing.
Tho they'd be hopeless for telling you where to go - apart from the shopping mall!
Laos is best ridden with fellow bikers.
The link you've posted is odd, as I've never heard of the GTR taking tours out.
Try TMS for motard tours.
Pikey who posted above for bike rental, or, Mrs Mechanic if you are looking for something a bit bigger.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong

Welcome to GT Rider.

Yes indeed the person on ADV posing as "David GT Rider" is a fake.
Absolutely nothing to do with me or GT Rider.
Ignore them. There is NO Laos tour planned by myself / GT Rider.

Get yourself a map & bike, read the trip reports & off you go.
Feb 20, 2010
Thanks fellas for the welcome & advice.
The ADV thread sure was confusing.
Nae matter, as I'll be out in April and should have got my geographic bearings by then,
even with names like Hot, Mae Prik & Fang. :shock:
Appreciate the link to Trans Moto Sport - those guys look like the real DBs,
and clearly have their s**t together knowing the region and awesome riding skills.
When I'm off the rig I'll have to brush up on my own.
It seems as though you GT guys are a tight nit group of bikers,
just as it should be, I look forward to meeting & riding with some of you.
Only hope there's some real ale and not the chav's fizzy water some call lager.