
Mar 27, 2007
Any HP2 owners on the board?? Just wonder what your experiences have been like trying to buy Touratec parts direct from Germany have been like. How hard do customs hit you for parts etc when they come in Express mail.

Jun 21, 2006
I bought some bark busters from Touratec, for my GS and got slugged 33%, and they hit you duty on postage as well, 100% duty on electrical stuff.


Mar 27, 2007
Wow [:0] Thanks TJ. Think I'll have the stuff sent to Singapore and stick it on the bike down there.....
Jun 21, 2006
good idea, Touratec were supposed to send the goods to my Sister in the UK as my niece was coming to samui to visit me, but they TT made a mistake and sent the goods direct to me, so that was a bit of a pain.
Mar 15, 2003
Usually have a fellow GT Rider bring parts over when they do a return trip, but wanted a skid plate and a windscreen (hard to pack items) and already had loaded up someone with some other parts. Had them shipped here from US via USPS which was much, much, cheaper than UPS/FEDEX. Got stung 30% duty plus VAT.

The company tried to help me out by only invoicing one item on the packing slip outside of the box, BUT someone had written the itemized prices on the side of the box for some reasons. Customs had me open the box which had the full invoices inside. EXPENSIVE!


Nov 14, 2005

Originally posted by tropicaljohno

I bought some bark busters from Touratec, for my GS and got slugged 33%, and they hit you duty on postage as well, 100% duty on electrical stuff.

I guess that 100% duty would apply to a laptop computer as well? Anyone have experience sending such an item into Thailand? I'm thinking of having a laptop computer sent here but am starting to reconsider it.

Tropicaljohno, is that 100% duty you mentioned 100% duty on freight or 100% duty on the item value + freight?
Nov 1, 2004
Computers, I got a laptop off ebay last year, and got the seller to write a note on the box, saying 'thanks for leting me borrow your computer, its working fine' and to wrap it in a non shop box, so it came thru and I picked it up from the post office with nothing to pay
Jan 19, 2007
That info above wont work with bigger companies that wont mark down the price, i bought a set of wheels in from the usa, wheels were $400.shipping was 420 and invoiced at that also, total $820 and invoiced at that, those thieves thinly disguised as customs officials releived me of 15000 baht taxes i kid you not, kept telling me it was 30 per cent work that one out !. fedex ( dont use them. im sure they are on a split with customs )woman, was more honest, tells me nonchalontly " we have wheels in thailand and customs price the taxes so that your import will cost the same as buying local,".got you by the short and curlies springs to mind !


Mar 5, 2006
The big courier companies,FedEx DHL UPS etc, have an arrangement where they determine what duty is payable based upon an unyielding reading of customs regs. There is no discussion or negotiation - if you want the item you pay what they have decided.
In otherwords the customs office has outsourced the hassle of revenue collection to companies that elsewhere have a good rep of delivering goods efficiently and with minimal risk of extra revenue cost.
My own attempts of bringing in MC kit from NZ using the ordinary post was not exactly successful tho managed to pay 15-20% by having a Thai go and pick it up. The customs officer's first question was "how much money has your boss given you."
A few hundred baht "tea money" brought the figure down.
The first package I made the mistake of going myself.
The other thing is when they tried to work out a figure basing the Kiwi $ upon parity with the US $. Iternets print out of that day's echange rate put paid to that.
If it is small enough then "gift" with nominal value has worked for me in the past.
Good luck & let us know how you get on.
Jun 21, 2006
Customs check the invoice, then add cost of postage, then add insurance if you had any and you get slugged the 30% on the TOTAL price. I tried to reason with the customs guy that I shouldn't be paying duty on the postage. He was very polite and friendly, almost apologetic, but said sorry but that's what's written on his instructions.

Re lap tops, my last trip back to LOS I bought in 2 lap tops, wasn't searched so dont know if I would have had to pay anything. In the Bangkok Post, Database (weekly computer) section, they say lap tops in Thailand are no dearer than in Singapore. All Singapore has to offer is a wider variety, and the only the really top end lap tops may be a bit cheaper, but all the normall everyday ones are same price in LOS.

I see in Makro in Phuket, Compaq lap top, 80GB hard drive, 14" screen under 20,000 baht
Nov 11, 2006
Agree with Jerry about Fedex -as fas as Thailand is concerned.
I bought a leather race suit off ebay and because it was going to arrive at my friends CA address too late for him to carry into Thailand for me I decided to have it Fedexed to Australia which is where I needed it.
Not one cent was charged to me to collect - no Fedex charges,no Customs charges,no VAT,no nothing. Now had it been sent to me in Thailand by Fedex thousands of baht would have been extracted from me no doubt.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
In Singapore the recommended GT Rider parts & accessories supplier is
Chan Kok Pyng
M-Technik Motorsports LLP
51 UBI Ave 1
# 05-08 Paya Ubi Industrial Park
Singapore. 408933.
Tel: +65 68448973.
Numerous GT Riders in Cnx, Bkk, Pattaya, Phuket use Chan for fast efficient parts & accessory deliveries & his Singapore prices are generally as cheaper as you can get.
Chan specialises in Africa Twin & BMWs, but is also good for Yamaha TDMs, plus Suzuki DRs.
I personally have been using Chan for many years & can vouch for his parts & service.