Importing a bike to Thailand

Sep 12, 2009
Hi, I'm British and I'm married in Thailand and intend to eventually live there. Currently I am working in the middle east. I have a bike in the middle east and I would like to take it to Thailand pemanantly. Is this at all possible? If so, is there any way of doing it without incurring a huge import duty. I had heard that the guy in Pattaya's Siam Racing would have helped, but after reading posts about him, I'm glad he's closed down, or I could have ended up in a sorry way. So, are there any other businesses that are trustworthy that could perhaps import the bike and perhaps store it for me? Any help or info on this would be greatly appreciated because I would hate to have to part with my bike.
Mar 15, 2003
backdoorphil wrote: BBD- im kind of in the same situation
the route im taking is to temporary import the bike as there is a 213% import tax on bikes into thailand.

im trying to find out more, but from reading through all the GT postings, it seems you can get a 30 day temp import for a foreign reg bike from thai customs which can be extended up to 6 months (in 30 day increments) at any thai customs office.
your temp imported bike can stay in thailand up to 6 months with a maximum 2,000 bht fine for not obtaining the 30 day extensions increments from a thai customs office.

so it seems what people do is get the 30 day temp import, after 5 1/2 months go to a thai customs office, pay the 2,000 bht max fine, then go to the border to renew the 30 day temp import which can be extended again up to 6 months. i have not read anywhere that the thai customs get pissed off as long as you always do this process within the 6 month period. if your in longer than the 6 months then you've got problems.

if im wrong here anywhere ... please correct me
I think you have it correct. All I would add is that the way things have been going in Thailand lately, tighter Visa rules, crack down on unregistered bikes, etc., they may at any time change the number of times you can extend your temp import. I would be cautious of relying on this to last forever.


Aug 31, 2009
Cost, hassle and the risk => sell your bike and buy a fully legal one over here. with luck you can afford a new Kawasaki starting at 150,000 Baht or a bigger twin for ~ 225,000 and up, depending on model.

FYI, i had an obscene prize to pay in some bonded warehouse once. Not worth it.
May 25, 2006
Hi Friends,

I did not see your posts up to now but it's the millioneme one, at least, at date, about the subject...

Importing a bike in Thailand is a headhake and generate stress and costs, asmuch as possible, even if it's possible, please avoid it.

Follow the advise to buy the bike on spot, specially if you are married in Thailand, you should have an Yellow Book ... to unable you to get the ... Green Book under your name (downhere everything works acoording to colors -books, shirts, notes....).

Kawasaki is really making a good offre with their range of bikes starting at a very low price and offering a good value for money return.

On an other hand, here evrything is available, it then depend of the budget you'ld like to invest.

Have fun and avoid hassle...
Aug 7, 2003
I would advise finding the listing they use for the valuations before making any calculations, they use the list at the borders for assessing the penalty rates. Even then nobody that I know who has tried or done it once for an individual, private , completely assembled, one off motorcycle import for a larger motorcycle even want to think about the hassle and cost of doing it again. There are many factors, understanding the language as all the laws are in Thai, compliance issues, the documentation has to be spot on and the agents used have to be on your side, nothing is clear cut. It can be done, as previous posting show.
Oct 17, 2006
PHIL do not believe anything the Thai customs tell you , once the bike is here they have you by the balls, then everything changes , Import duty is only the start, there is inspection fees up to 20,000, regsitration tax up to 80,000 plus time and hassle and worry, ask Azoulay he did it .


Aug 20, 2003
I agree with monsterman - info on the websites is one thing, talking to a customs officer is something totally different, it's reality now. At any point they can hit you up for tea money, if you don't pay it, you won't get it.
"once the bike is here they have you by the balls" - perfectly put by someone with experience how it really works! The again, it may go smooth by the book, but I wouldn't take that risk.
May 25, 2006
Hi Friends,

I love English language and it's illustrated way of saying it ....

MonsterMan is 500 % right, when the bike is in LOS, "they have you by the balls"...

Fortunatelly and and thanks to my Family in law (who are in fact simple people, with no special connection, just "good Thais"), I managed to get through this procee of importing and legalising my brand new 2006 S2R Ducati Monster 1000 but, I think it was only by luck and if I count what a hassle it procured me and the final cost of it, I do regret it by far...This was in 2006.

In fact, at this time, I ignored that I could find a Ducati dealer in Bangkok, it would have saved me hassle, time and money.

However, I don't regret the experience and if learning from experience means something, I learned quite a lot through that.

Maybe, in the coming days, you'll find that you can get your KTM in a softer way by a reliable local bike dealer (e.g. Red Baron or others) on special import or whatever, but if I might an advise, only pay when you see the bike...

Whatever will be your decision to go, good luck for you !!!!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
harrythefinn wrote: Hi,
I would advise finding the listing they use for the valuations before making any calculations,...
I think this is the one (7 pages):








:) :) :) :) :)

Still waiting for the other translation, maybe another few days if I'm lucky. :wink:
Aug 7, 2003

That looks like the list for the 3% calculation, I remember the Ducati spelling and that there was one Bimota and a KTM also. The cut off date was 25th September.This list looks like it is nation wide but nobody let me copy when I was asking, why? So they could charge what they wanted irrespective of the customs list?

The new emission laws this year almost even make this effort useless as you said carburated bikes have trouble passing EU4 testing (now Thai standard).

Please let everyone know if the temporay charge is any benefit in terms of peace of mind even if it costs more.

I have given up trying myself, maybe someone has a method that works.


Feb 8, 2007
As many, I did my homework to import my lovely classic BMW R90... A bit "complex", but can be done as soon as you are ready to go through hassles, papers and pay (big) money (as Azoulay knows), why not... Just be prepared, OK...
But what frightened me was more the rego tests in BKK to get a "green book" for it. I had never been able to know axactly what were the test requirements (equipment, noise, emissions and so on) for classic bikes.
Get my lovely bike in LOS and not be allowed to register it to ride!.. Mmmmmmmh... you see!

At the end, months ago, one of my best friend back home in France insisted and bought it. Then I decided to buy a legit one here...

Not MY lovely R90, and not a R90 at all, but at least I can ride it with no worry...

Just my thoughts,


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Have not received the translation I was after so here are the docs from the Excise? officials.




Most if not all, the Thai big bike shops have received or seen this letter.
If my understanding is correct you need to pay 3% excise tax before Sept 25 (28th?), when the amnesty expires. Pay the 3% excise tax & the police cannot seize your bike, only fine you 500-2,000 baht for riding an unregistered vehicle.

If you want to get your bike fully registered you still have to pay the customs import duty, then get the bike emission control tested & passed to get your number plate. Unfortunately with the EU4 emission control standard in force since the beginning of 2009 it looks like only fuel injected bikes will pass & carbureted bikes fail the test. If you have a non FI bike & still want to get your old bike registered a recycled book might be the only way to go, or buy a fuel injected bike. Not a pretty outlook is it?
Dec 27, 2007
Yeah- talked to some guys who bought bikes from Red Baron and apparently even Red Baron is having a hell of a time getting their imported bikes to pass the super strict emissions test. One guy imported a brand new Suzuki GSXR 1000 recently and had to have it tested 7 times before it finally passed! I think the test costs something like 25K Baht each time too. Ouch! What irony as I sit in Bangkok traffic watching all the trucks and buses belch thick black smoke... :?
Oct 17, 2006
Anything with fuel injection should go through the emmissions and inspection for 20,000 .but the guys taking to the test must know who is the tester so there is no uncertanties regarding teamoney etc the actual test is less than 3000 haht officially.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Davidfl wrote: Have not received the translation I was after so here are the docs from the Excise? officials.




Most if not all, the Thai big bike shops have received or seen this letter.
If my understanding is correct you need to pay 3% excise tax before Sept 25 (28th?), when the amnesty expires. Pay the 3% excise tax & the police cannot seize your bike, only fine you 500-2,000 baht for riding an unregistered vehicle.

If you want to get your bike fully registered you still have to pay the customs import duty, then get the bike emission control tested & passed to get your number plate. Unfortunately with the EU4 emission control standard in force since the beginning of 2009 it looks like only fuel injected bikes will pass & carbureted bikes fail the test. If you have a non FI bike & still want to get your old bike registered a recycled book might be the only way to go, or buy a fuel injected bike. Not a pretty outlook is it?
Here's the translation at last.....

