Laos street


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Thanks for the contribution. It looks like you had good weather & clear skies - so you must have gone at least 4-6 weeks ago, no?
Was it a "one-way" trip / where did you exit from?
How did you find the border crossing formalities - easy / confusing /hard - in Chiang Khong / Houei Xai , + wherever you exited from?
Mar 18, 2009
Hy at all
i read this forum from long time
but i never enjoi to write for problem about log on.
Sorry if i never present my self.
This trip was made at the first days of march 2009.
In chiang khong immigration they help us a lot our girl friend thai.
Have to go in 2 office immigration and another one i think the name is costoum house both are 1 and 2 km from the point for enter in laos with boat from chiang khong.
I have more video to show of this trip but i was waiting i add same music in u tube and still not finish to download.
Anyway i will try to put
and may be later i will show also same picture
becuase i know people drive motorbike like many people in this forum
no have too much time for do it when they drive.
Normal i drive motorbike with my girlfriend thai and she take a picture on my back from a lot of trip we go in the past....i have picture of the street
from chiang rai until singapore,trip we do 3 time already.
This was our first time in laos with car
and was intersting for me for study the road go to china(you can see in the video i put before until luang nam tha) and condition of the street in laos.
About your request we start from chiang rai 6,30 am
at 8 o clock we was in chiang khong
make the pick up full of diesel go immigration thai costoum house thai
take the boat with the car make everythink in laos and eat samething
at 12 am we was ready to start for go direction luang nam tha.
Later i will show also same picture
for now i will put the video of the street from luang nam tha to luang prabang.
I hope can will help people want to study this road before to go
and also to remeber samething to sameone do already this trip in the past.
we exit and come back to thailand from vientiane

luang nam tha to luang prabang laos march 2009
we get bad weather only from luang prabang to vientiane where the way in the mountain cannot show very well the panorama
for the fire that have around.

this road from luang nam tha to luang prabang is really bad for the car
may be much more easier with bike

video 1









Mar 18, 2009

at this point we are 16 km from bo ten the border with china

we stop at laos customs house for ask information about china
think a little beat if we want to go also there
will be for the next trip

and go again direction luang prabang