Leaving Laos with a Lao registered 100ccm bike

Oct 17, 2005
I've already read the crossing border section, but I'm still unsure because it's seem this information applies for Thai registered bikes only...
Does anyone know if I can cross into Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia with a my Lao registered bike. I have a Lao insurance, proof of ownership, the registration papers and a licence. Do I need something else? I was told that if I want to cross into Thailand I will need a Thai insurance as well. Can anyone help?
Thanks a lot


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Sorry for the slow response mate.
My understanding is that you need special govt permission to take a Lao registered motorcycle OUT of the country. Taking a car out is easy in comparison I am told.
If you need more info contact Stan at
as Stan has been more places than anyone in Laos.
But he's never taken his bike out of the country because he could not get the permits.
I don’t know all the details, but this was for his Honda 250cc Baja bike, and a 100cc scoot might be different, but I don’t think so as I’ve never seen Lao registered bikes going across the bridge into Thailand.
Whatever, pls keep us informed & let us know how you go.

Keep The Power On
Aug 31, 2005
Try for Thai Insurance at AGL, this is where you get it for cars, Otherwise buy it in Nong Khai. As far as I know if your bike has a black/yellow number plate you can't take it into Thailand. If it has a Blue/White plate you may have better luck. I've also heard that the Thais don't allow the little bikes across the bridge.



Dec 19, 2005
Our experience is that the people at the Nameo Border into vietnam are not very familiar with the procedures.
We went from vietnam to Laos. We checked this site and all the paperwork, but we couldn't find any specific Vietnam-Exit forms, or Laissez-passers into Laos. So we used the Thai example and improvised an official looking form, just in case.
At the border we were told that we couldn't take the bike. Maybe because the registration papers were still on the previous vietnamese owner's name. When we showed them our self made form, all doors swung open, and in not time we were at the lao side, without anyone hinting for 'special taxes' or bribes. Still puzzled about this course of events, it got worse at the Lao side, where they didn't know about any forms for temporary import, Laissez-passers or anything. 10 minutes later our passports were stamped, and the officials waved us goodbye on the bike.
We're still not sure if our bike is illegal now in Laos or not. (trying to find info elsewhere on this site...)