New GTR Format with Paywall


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Dear GTR Members & Supporters,

We will have reluctantly changed the format of GTR to introduce a paywall; as well as classified some sections of the forum as premium content on GTR.

Apologies to those people who may be inconvenienced with this development, but the current economic status has pushed us to make this move.

Map sales have collapsed & banner income is minimal, but we are extremely thankful to Big Bike Tours & Big Bike Touring for their continued support of GTR. We wish there were more.

It is a continual effort, involving time & cost, with wear and tear on both bike and body to survey and maintain new content on GTR to share with everyone.
All of this comes at a cost, and GTR genuinely needs to find ways to replace lost income in order to survive, and continue providing quality, informative, and helpful content into the future.

It is often very satisfying writing up trip reports & re-living the trip when posting on GTR; and some threads have thousands of views to indicate that yes, people are following.
We thank those who do follow & appreciate the good work.

GTR now asks you to show your appreciation by simply taking out a 12 month subscription to help GTR continue providing you with accurate, valuable, information for planning your trips.

The fee? Well, we calculate it to be one big beer a month = 80 baht, when you take out a 12 month subscription. Or 150 baht for a single month.
We trust you will all enjoy a big beer a month with GTR via a subscription.

Many thanks for your support over the years, and in moving forward.

P.S. please be aware there maybe a few hiccups in the set up process.
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Apr 8, 2015
Can't find the paywall - or am I jumping the Gun and it's not set up yet ??? 555

DKT Dave

Sep 25, 2019
Fully understand...I am amazed such a wonderful resource has been free up till this point!
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
We are exploring a new option for a subscriber service, with all links / posts viewable, but with a limit on page views per week.
Please stand by.

This change is now in place.
All posts are now visible to all users.
However you must accept cookies.
There are 3 free page views per week.
After 3 page views you will receive a reminder

Thank you for using Golden Triangle Rider, we hope you are enjoying the content.
To continue getting access to the thousands of informative Tips and Trip Reports from our huge biking community, please register and upgrade your status on Golden Triangle Rider.

Registration is free.
To upgrade your GTR account to Subscriber status costs 1 beer a month = 80 baht.
Thanks for everyone's support to keep the ship afloat in these difficult times.
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Reactions: Oddvar
Oct 17, 2006
I ust saw the paywall for first time so sent in a sub by paypal for a year ,, I have not been in Thailand for last 19 months due to COVID, work and my very frail old dad in UK , and I wont be back until there is NO Quarantines either in LOS or the UK red list ,, my S4 is sitting in spare room in Bang Saray ready to be reassembled after its restoration and my Lady is missing me madly ,,, however i have been busy as hell in UK and EU for work this year and I still have 4 bikes to play with in UK ,, Keep up the good work , I really am missing some aspects of Thailand ,,