Oudom Xai Ethnic Cultural Festival


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
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Oudomsay organises the 1st ethnic cultural festival

(KPL) Oudomsay province organised the first ethnic cultural festival from 22 to 24 March, to conserve ethnic culture and promote tourism in its province.
The opening ceremony has attracted over 1,000 people in the province, including Mr. Sisavath Keobounphan, President of Lao Front for National Construction, Mr Mounkeo Oraboun, Minister of Information and Culture and its Governor Bounphon Bouttanavong and senior officials.
The main objective is aimed at rehabilitating and conserving traditional cultures of art performance and wearing of ethnic people entire the province that is disappearing, said Mr. Phonsavanh Phanthavichit, Head of Provincial Information and Culture Division.
In addition, it aims to awareness raising of traditional culture conservation and extension wealthy of culture to their children and it has been kept forever in the nation, he continued.
There are 12 tribes and different rites, native languages, living in Seven districts in Oudomsay province.
There were 17 palaces have been featured, from other different tribes at the opening ceremony.
Hitting the gong to open the festival by the President of Lao Front for National Construction, Mr Sisavath Koebounphan and Mr Mounkeo Oraboun Minister of Information and Culture.
Mr Bounphon Bouttanavong, Oudomsay Governor cut the ribbon to open the festival.
Over 50 booths also were displayed their traditional products at the trade fair, and each day other performance and traditional sports have been done, such as traditional custom and tradition mixed model custom competition.

Comment: not much going at the moment Craypot, so though I'd wack this one as a reminder for 2008.