Posting Issues. :/


Hi. Question for site admin please..

I have been trying to post a trip report several times over the last couple of days, without success.
It is VERY long and image intensive etc. Do you think this is the reason why it will not post?
I have had this issue ongoing with most of my longer post topics, but can post without issue shorter posts.
Does it time out on the system? Not sure..
Should i maybe post the trip report in separate parts? Just seems messy to do this, but if i need to i will.
When posting the post seems to go through, but then doesn't show up. So it isn't going through.
Or, i get an error message.
Happens every time when i try to post a long trip report.

Any idea? Thank you!
I noticed today that there were a bunch of server errors relating to "timeouts" so your guess on that seems bang on the mark!

The previous setting was 30 seconds - I've tripled it to 90 seconds so see how that goes...

RE: Should i maybe post the trip report in separate parts? Just seems messy to do this, but if i need to i will.

That's certainly what David (and others) do on longer Threads. It has an advantage in that you can post a multi-day trip in logical "sections" in either day by day or region by region etc.
- breaking big Trip Reports into chunks can also eliminate the huge array of image thumbnails that some posts get at the bottom...

But do let me know if the timeout issue resolves the crisis with the current post you are having problems with!
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Thank you.

I have successfully posted the report in three parts.

I did initially retry to post the entire trip report again and it didn't go through.
There is a LOT of images and links, so I can understand why.

Posting it in three parts has been a winner though.
Thank you for increasing the setting time.
..oh, in hindsight I could have posted all three parts on the same thread.
What a numpty!! Im sorry.
But, maybe will be better that way, as it give separate sections for discussion?
Feel stupid now. If you need me to clean it up and delete sections 2 and 3..let me know.
Sometimes I don't know where my brain is at :/
No worries - others have done it either by;
  • Creating a new Thread/Topic, and then making separate Posts in the same thread
  • Creating multiple Threads/Topics as; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and placing Links between them
It makes sense either way :)
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