Udon Bike Week/ Hotels


Oct 14, 2005
Well it is confirmed for February 6th and 7 th 2009 to be held at Nom Prajak Park.

The contact registration numbers are.

I asked the big bike shop about Hotels but Gigio was still in Chaing Mai so no one was sure.

I will say this about it not a really a bike week guy as of now there are two that I would repeat Cahing Mai and Udon.

I will parked at home or a while so if you want me to gather hotel information and I can get some sort of idea how many people are planning on coming I will see if I can search out some good deals based on the number of rooms.

I have became very rlictant to book rooms for for people so I will post the the hotel information and contacts number and yuo can book your own room.

So let me know if you are planning to attend from out of town.

I will then start checking things out.