13th Vintage Bike November 2018


Dec 9, 2008
The 13th Vintage Bike Rally was absolutely fantastic. A celebration of old machinery.

The Lanna Independent Classic Motorbike Endeavour arrived at about 3pm. The six of us rode in on classics and were directed to park in the top show area.

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Khun Took from BKK parked his '45 M21 in the BSA parking line. That bike runs very well now.

Khun Berm from BKK ('58 Tiger T110). He was riding his recently acquired Tiger instead of his usual Thunderbird 6T.
Khun Ming from BKK ('58 Thunderbird 6T), now painted in classic black and white colours.
myself ('59 Thunderbird 6T), having ridden down from Chiang Rai.
Khun Tinagorn from Phrae ('65 Velocette Venom). His son, Edison was riding the bike this time.
We all parked in the Triumph parking line.
Khun Man from BKK (BMW single), parked in the BMW line, of course.
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HD Knucklehead chop. Wonderful.
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Too many classics to photograph, but some of them stood out.
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Very rare, very special indeed. Henderson built the biggest and fastest bikes in the States between 1912 and 1931.
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The T140V Bonnie is a '77 Silver Jubilee model. With a well used BSA A10.
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The standing engines were fantastic.
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Made by Ruston, Lincoln England.
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This one puffed a combustion stroke every 4 or 5 revs.... at very low revs too.
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The Conservative Group of Antique Engines were all puffing away....
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A few of the custom and classic cars and trucks.
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More classics parked in the general parking area.
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A 60's A50 & a 60's M33.
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A 50's M33 with the "cowpat" cowl. A nice pre-unit Triumph bobber too.
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Need an alloy tank for your SR?
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Chaincases for BSA M20s and M33s. Plus a good selection of Amal carbs, from 276's to Concentrics.
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The showground was about 1/2 full by 4pm.
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A well used 70's T140V Bonnie. A great bike. I know.. used to have one...
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We set up our tents and had a small banner with adverts for bikes for sale.
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The pre-war Indian and Harley parking area. With Indian petrol pump.
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This WL looks pretty well perfect for a WWII veteran. With gun and shovel.
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Very original. Love the cracked paintwork.... real Patina....
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Lambretta for sale. Good restoration project.
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Lucas magdynos for 20k Baht. Triumph footrerst rubbers and knee grips too. All sorts of goodies. Great to see that stuff available for restorers here.
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BSA, AJS and a pair of pre-unit Triumphs ridden up from Malaysia.
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All modern Royal Enfields. Mostly Bullets with a couple of Himalaya's.
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The FuckStock club. He even tells you on his front tyre.....
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Wow...... beautiful................ I used to have a black and gold one of these........ should have kept that one of course.
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The mighty 900SS. There is nothing quite like one of these. This one had the correct Conti silencers and I saw / heard the guy ride it away later.
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Also special, the smaller Duke desmo singles
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Yam SRs were there in force, in every conceivable style. Love the manx alloy tank cafe racers.
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Also, the Honda 4 guys. Apparently the first year '69 models very rare. These are all '70 or '71s.
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A few more Triumphs joined the line.
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Alloy engine Tiger 110... gorgeous and very original looking.
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Early fifties sprung hub Speed Twin.
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I think this is a mixture of fifties nacelle front end with a sixties unit engine and tank.
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Unusual purple AJS.
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Minimalist........... really like it.... but not to ride from Chiang Rai to Kanchanaburi...! 100 petrol stops enroute... and Agghh... that saddle....
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The Scooter Club put on a good display. Always popular here, because King Rama IX rode one.
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The Beemer boys out in style.
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The showground still filling up. Quite a few bikes in the general parking area now.
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I found out that 600 tickets were made with 200 Baht entry. When they were all sold, the costs are covered. After that, people get in free. So, many of the youngsters come late.
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Don't be riding this with flapping trousers....
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So, you want a model... various sizes...
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... or a bit larger model...?
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Food a plenty... just across from the Leo beer tent.
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By 6pm lots more vehicles were arriving.
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A Kharman Ghia..... in the line of Beetles.
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The main stage. There were 2 more stages further back.The music played all evening and half the night.
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By 7pm the showground was full. Guessing about 5,000 people and about 3,000 bikes. Plus hunderds of cars and engines.
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A Ford Tranny....... well remembered from my days playing in a band in England. All bands had one...
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A late arriving Pontiac convertible.
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This guy cracked me up. I had seen him on the internet with his 1952 BSA M33. It is Yusuf from Turkey.
As I also have a '52 M33 I had been googling photos of them and up comes Yusuf. Then here he was at Vintage Bike. says he comes every year to Vintage Bike, from Turkey.......
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.. another pre-unit Triumph
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Featherbed framed Norton 500. Very clean.
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The firework display was impressive.
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well used Ajay
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.... and another pre-unit Triumph
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... and yet another..
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The aftermath.. 06:30 next morning.
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Time for the LICME gang to head home.
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What a great event. For anyone into old bikes or other machinery Vintage Bike Rally is a bit of a pilgrimage.

I'm up for it again next year.......... the 14th show.... and I expect it will be even bigger.

See you there, November 2019.
Sep 19, 2006
Great Report Ian. Sorry for different Reasons We all couldn't make it this Year but I have just sent this Link out to the Guys and said We have to make the effort to all go next Year!!!


Jul 20, 2018
Great report Ian. Firmly on the agenda for next year. Is there any other similar events that you know of in Thailand at other times of the year?


Dec 9, 2008
I don't think there is any other show in Thailand comparable to this. Plenty of Bike Weeks around the country, at different times of the year, but no others that are specifically all about classics and vintage bikes and cars etc.


Jun 23, 2011
Looks like some really interesting bikes, thanks for the great photos.
I do also like that you shared the photo of the end result with the rubbish.
Sorry for the negative slant on the otherwise great set of photos, but just seems to be a sad factor of events like this (and my dismay at beauty spots in general). I don't understand why people can't clean up after themselves :(
But again, thanks for sharing and I didnt know about this event until now too.


Dec 9, 2008
Hi Zoey,
There was about 5,000 people there. But not many garbage bins. I am sure the sweepers and cleaners would be going through there within the next day or so, as that park area must be used for many events.
So, although it looks bad, it probably would not be like that for long.
But it does show the enormous amount of plastic garbage produced by today's use of plastic bags and food trays etc. I wonder how much gets recycled.....?
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