Accomodation in Pakse, Savannakhet Tha Kaek

Apr 20, 2008
Hi mates

I will be most obliged if any of the members can suggest the guesthouse or budget hotel in Pakse, Savannakhet & Tha Kaek as I will be riding from Phnom Penh to Vientaine this 31 Aug.

My budget will be approx USD$15/- to $20/- per night for 2 persons.

I expected to reach Vientiane by 4 Sept and the 3 places mentioned above will be an overnight stop(or 2 nights depending on the journey & timing).



Lip Meng


Jan 5, 2008
Hi Lipmeng

In Savannakhet there's a nice looking place on the river promenade called Nong Soda Guest House. The day I went there it was booked out, seems very popular, but Id try this place 1st.
Further down stream is the Mekong Hotel. Rooms very basic, has good restaurant out the front. Jerome, a Gt-River is often there, and if he,s not, they mite ring him, and he'll come down and point you in the right direction.

In Thakek stay at the Phou Khanna guest house. Cheap, good restaurant, secure park, and great staff. 60,000 kip
Great place to eat in Thalek is Inthira Hotel. Looks expensive, but its not...great food.

In Pakse I stayed at Hotel Sala Champa, good location, and secure parking. Think they wanted 150,000 kip per night, they settled for 80,000.

All these places are on the GT-Rider Laos Map.

Have a good trip.

Apr 20, 2008
Thanks mate for the info on accomodation.

By the way will it be too tight to ride from Phnom Penh to Vientiane in 3 days with 2 overnight stops barring any bad weather?

Thanks again for the guidance.

Looking forward to ride towards VTe soon.


Lip Meng


Jan 5, 2008
Ive never ridin from Phnom Penh to Vientiane, so I have know idea how long it would take.
And although Ive stayed in the 3 mentioned towns above. I never rode HWY13 to get to them.

Cheers Rex


Nov 10, 2003
No experience with the roads in Cambodia but from the Cambodia-Laos border crossing to Pakxe is about 160 km., Pakxe to Savannakhet is about 240 km., Savannakhet to Thakhek is about 125 km. and from Thakhek to Vientiane is about 340 Km.

The road is generally good ( 2-lane road) but here and there a bit bumpy and with very boring long straight sections. Watch out for the bridges between Pakxe and Savannakhet as the road just before and after the bridges has subsided a bit. In case you go fast you might be flying over the bridges instead of riding over them.

In Thakhek I stay often in the "Travel Lodge" - about 10-15 USD per night depending on room type.


Nov 17, 2004
I've ridden PNH to VTE in 3 days/2 nights in rainy season, can be done. It's not much fun but if you have to run so fast possible. I did it the other way around once and in 2 days: Left VTE at about 6 am, overnight in Pakse, ran the border at 08:00 and was in PNH by about 10 pm, could have been sooner but a puncture took time. This also was about 3 years ago and the roads in Cambodia were a little different and Hwy 13 was in good shape.

3 days/2 nights is possible. You can overnight in Kratie and Savanakhet on the way.

I agree with Rexy on the places to stay but when you are riding that kind of distance, spend a bit more on a better place to rest in Thakek and Savanakhet. I like the Mekong Hotel in Thakek as the beds are good, air con blasts and bath tubs to soak muscles from riding. I tend to eat at the Travel Lodge but not stay there (can only handle backpackers in small doses) in Kratie, the Khmer hotel across from the Star was reasonable as well as a few along the Mekong. With the road improvements along the Mekong, you might consider overnight in Steung Treng depending on weather/ride time.

Staying cheap will have an impact on your rest and when riding so far, so fast - spend money on the bigger bike engine.

You are 2 up?

Drop me a line when you are on the way, I live in VTE and if you need any help along the way you can ring me.
Apr 20, 2008
Hi guys

Thanks alot for your info and advice. I've approx at least 4 days to ride from PNP to VTE with another extra day if I need so. That will ensure that the ride is not too tiring while I can also spent some time at those places mentioned earlier.

I expected to be in VTE by Sat evening (5/9/09) or latest the next day before I fly back to Malaysia. Definitely I will make the best effort to meet you guys in VTE or places that I stop.

My next trip in Loas will be sometime in Oct 09 where I will ride from VTE to Boten and exit Loas via Huay Xai before I arrive in CNX. LPB will be one of the place I intend to stay for at least 2 nights for the trip.

Again I'm very fortunate to have good souls in this forum who are willingly to spare some thoughts and advice whenever I need just overwhelm me with such brotherhood feelings.

Looking forward to the ride in the next couple of days.


Warmest regards

Lip Meng
Apr 20, 2008
Hi David

Thanks mate, I'll definitely take a peep on that.


I'll be riding 2 up and there are 2 buddies rding along with me one on a Kawa Versys and the other on African Twin just like me.

Both of them have rode the MHS and Golden Triangle region with me before but on different occassions. One of them is a called senior....66 yrs young (Kawa Versys) and he is still in CNX now rode the 2nd MHS trip with a span of 4 months (ie he was there with me in late April 09).

See, once tried the northern Thai ride, he has been there 3 times from April to Aug 09. Took his friend who is 69 yrs young a retired teacher and both of them rented a car and drove the entire region for about a week.

Now he is taking another younger chap from our hometown and rides there till this Thurs.

That's so much for the background of my riding buddies for this trip.


Feb 1, 2006
hi lipmeng.
I should be in Savanakhet around this time.don t hesitate to send me a message before you get into town and I will help you to find your way around!will be nice to meet others AT riders!
bon voyage.
Apr 20, 2008
Hi Jerome

I saw your pic with David in the forum and your bike is the Red/Blue/White AT while mine is a black silver AT.

Will endeavour to meet up with you in Savannakhet during my way up and will be better if I can make an overnight stay in town and we can have some coffee or a drink.

I will pm you before I drop by in town.



Lip Meng