BMW Club Ride To China


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
??? BMW Motorcycle Club Thailand
22 - 30 October 2010.

Sorry info in Thai first, but I will try to get some English languge info..

??????????? 22 ?????? 2553 – ??????????? 30 ?????? 2553
????????????? 12 ??? ( First come – First Serve)

????????? ???????? 081-923-5445
????????? ???????????? 081-875-9400
????????? ?????????????? 081-633-8212
??????????? ???????? 086-335-1514

Day-1 ????????-????????? 450 ??.
Day-2 ?????????-??????? 580 ??.
Day-3 ???????-?????? 320 ??.
Day-4 ??????-???????? 180 ??.
Day-5 ????????
Day-6 ????????-??????? 500 ??.
Day-7 ???????-????????? 580 ??.
Day-8 ?????????-???????? 450 ??.

????????? : 43,500 ??? / 1 ???? ( ?????? )
???????????? : 11,000 ??? / ??? ( ??????????? )
????????????? : 6,800 ??? / 1 ???? ( ???????? )

????????????? - ???:
- ??????????? + ?????????? + ???????????????
- ???????????? / ??????????????? ??? ??????????????? ( ??????????? )
- ???????? ???? – ??????? – ???? ??? ?????????????? 3 ~ 4 ???
- ????????? ???????????? ??? ???
- ???????????????????????? ???/???? ???????????? ??????????? ( ?????? ??? ???????? )
- ????? + ??????? ??? ??????????? ??????????????

????????????? - ??????:
- ????????????????? ???? ??????????? / ???????? / ????? – ???????????????????? / ?????????
- ??????????
- ?????????? , ??????????? , ?????????????? (???????)
- ?????????
- ???????????????? + ???????? ?.???????? ?.????????
- ??????????????????????? ??? ?????????????? ??? - ???
- ??? VISA – ???

- ????????????????? ??????? ???????????? 30 ??????? 2553
- ?????? ??????????? 20,000 ???
- ???????????????????????????????????????? ( ???????????????? 1 ?????? 2553 )
- ????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ?????????? 12 ??? ( First come – First Serve ???? )

- ?????????????? ( Passport ) ??????????????????????????????? 6 ????? ( ???????????????? )
- ????????? ????????????????? 2 ???? ????? 2 ??? ( ??????? 6 ????? )
- ?????? + ????????????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????? ( ???? Finance )

???????????? ??? ???????????????????????????:
- ????????????????? ??? ?????????????????? ( ?????????????????? )
- ?????????????? Hood / Wind Stopper / ??????????? / Winter / Jacket ??????? etc. + ??????
- ?????????????????? : ???????????? , ????????????? , ?????????????????? , ?????????????????

- ????????????????
- ???????????????????????????? 650 ???? ??? ?????????? 1,300 ???? ( ???? ????????????????? )

- ????????????

???????????? ??? ????????? (??????????????? + ?????? + ????????? + ????????? + ???? ? ):
- ?????????????? 1 : ????? ??? 7 ??????? 2553 ???? 18:30 ?. / ??????? : ????????????????????????
- ?????????????? 2 : ????? ??? 4 ??????? 2553 ???? 18:30 ?. / ??????? : ????????????????????????
- ?????????????? 3 : ????? ??? 2 ?????? 2553 ???? 18:30 ?. / ??????? : ????????????????????????
Mar 15, 2003
Here is the "Google Translate" interpretation:

The BMW Motorcycle Club Thailand.
22 - 30 October 2010.

Sorry info in Thai first, but I will try to get some English languge info ..

Friday, October 22, 2553 - Saturday, October 30, 2553 .
Limited to 12 cars (First come - First Serve).

Coordinator .
You Sak suppress Leng 081-923-5445 .
You Bunchai sedan Rangsee 081-875-9400 .
Mr. Suchart privileged Council 081-633-8212 .
You Weerawat Wansiri 086-335-1514 .

Day-1 Chiang Khong - Chiang Rung 450 km
Day-2 Jinghong - Mr. Ming, 580 km
Day-3 You Ming - Dali 320 km
Day-4 Dali - Lijiang 180 km
Day-5 Lijiang .
Day-6 Lijiang - Mr. Ming, 500 km
Day-7 You Ming - Jinghong 580 km
Day-8 Jinghong - Chiang Khong 450 km

Travel expenses .
Driver : U.S. $ 43,500 / 1 person (double room) .
Car cost : 11,000 baht / car ( motorcycle ) .
Single room : 6800 Baht / 1 person ( surcharge ) .

Additional costs - including : .
- Check the driver's license + car + registration fee in China
- the car the police / the Toll and the expressway in China ( all routes ) .
- Breakfast - Lunch - Cold and value hotels in China, 3 ~ 4 star
- Travel insurance for China and Laos
- the value to tourist attractions and / or watch the show as prescribed ( Dali and Lijiang ) .
- Water + spirit and traditional snacks while traveling .

Additional costs - excluding .
- Personal expenses like telephone / mini bar / restaurant - special order drinks / laundry .
- Tips for guides .
- the raincoat , the dessert special , the way special ( private ) .
- the oil
- Accommodation for the Thai food + A. Khong , Chiang Rai .
- Fees and across the Thai checkpoint Ferries Thailand - Laos
- the VISA - China

Travel registration .
- set up to register Monday, August 30, 2553 .
- Reservation deposit per person 20,000 Baht
- pay the rest before the trip ( by Friday, October 1, 2553 ) .
- reserves the right to accept only those who paid deposit before and lasts 12 cars (First come - First Serve ???? ) .

Travel documents .
- Passport (Passport) used the old left at least six months ( after travel) .
- page color photograph meets two inches of two images (up to 6 months) .
- documentation + one motorcycle .
- Consent to park the car outside the Kingdom of Thailand (for Finance).

Preparation and equipment required should be with .
- regular car engine and car equipment needed ( after notice ) .
- equipment winter Hood / Wind Stopper / lining gloves / Winter / Jacket winter etc. + doll
- What to take : camera , personal , persistent treatment , wear comfortable shoes .

Size vehicles suitable for travel .
- No brand car
- engine size not less than 650 cc and not exceeding 1,300 cc (or heavy vehicles ) .

Size is not suitable for car travel .
- Contact Us .

Preparation and meeting ( For more information + availability + prepare + + , etc.) .
- Meeting 1: Saturday, August 7, 2553 at 18:30 AM / Location: will be announced later ???? .
- Meeting No. 2 : Saturday, September 4, 2553 at 18:30 AM / Location: will be announced later ???? .
- Meeting No. 3 : Saturday, October 2, 2553 at 18:30 AM / Location: will be announced later ???? .

Note:I tried this in three different translators "????????? : 43,500 ??? / 1 ???? ( ?????? )", thinking it must be baht, but they all say
Driver : U.S. $ 43,500 / 1 person (double room) . Perhaps someone who can actually read Thai can translate to be sure.