Hello Rebecca and Tabitha
It was so nice to met you girls and have nice dinner, looking forward to see you on the road.
Your bikes looks so nice and shiny as they are Brand new...
tryed to get some pictures but photobucket refuce to co-operate and not working,, i'll try later tonight
EDIT: now photobucket works so here are those pictures
When i met the girls in Ubon, Tohsang City Hotel(girls live at expencive hotels..LOL) it's 2nd most expencive hotel in Ubon,,,and of course they where eating after LONG ride from Surin to Ubon 150Km,,hahha :lol:
In the picture Rebecca in the left and Tabitha on the right.
After chit chat girls took on "Walking" in Ubon and where heading to Museum,, i head to Coffee (with bike) so i where drinking coffee next 2.5hrs as we set dinner for 5.30Pm in Spargo, Italian Restaurant what is managed and run by Franco, he make brilliant pizza and all Italian food, he has very large menu and has large selection of White & red wines as well
Girls eate Pizza and Salat and i took my favorate Potattoe,tunafish salad with Mayo and Spaketti bolognese.
Then girls took tiramisu but one negative part what Spargo has,, tey do not have Coffeee available,not at all,, maybe in the future,, i'll talk to Franco...
Compulsory "cheeky" smile picture with all of us same time...
You noticed that one bike ws missing,, i told the girls that they have to learn to park bike close to each other so good photo can be taken, other F650 is red color.
while where talking girls told me that they have chatter box in they helmet where they are talking to each other whole day long and listen music while riding,,
Have to say it was so much fun and if the girls are in your town, please left them note in here so you can meet them,Funny sisters...
Girls ride safely