Wow, imagine the baht at 56 to one and fuel costs like that.
This all does bring to mind one of the biggest lies I have ever told, in California fuel is approaching a dollar a gallon. " If it hits a dollar I'm by buying a bicycle" :twisted:
Wasn't much longer before you could only buy on odd and even days, I waited in line just like everyone else :roll:
I guess what is really bothering me is that this could effect my trip to Mae Hong Son. May have to settle for some short overnighters in this area.
It's not that I don't have it just concerned what is coming next with the economy issues, a definte disadvantage on living on a fixed income. Impossible to generate addtional income, for these kind of things.
Again I'm a very forunate and realize that and can't work with the back injury. So being here and established makes all the difference in the world. But riding even if I can only do a little is my sanity. There are times that one day riding equals several day in bed recovering.
I have never in my life found anyhting to match riding for getting your mind off problems. It literally at least in my case totally absorbs me. One of the few places in life where I always find peace. Even those feelings of anger that comes with a driver trying run me off the road, passes quickly.
So no matter your riding style I think we are some of the luckiest people in the world to have this and are in the best place in the world to experience day after day.
How many of us years ago when in the work world owned bikes only to get to use them when we had a weekend without pressing issues to to deal with. Today doesn't matter rain or shine I go, very different then before.
All the years that I rode in the states only had one occassion to meet up with other riders and share the eperience. Here everyday someone is talking about it. I have managed to meet some really great people from all over the world, with the weekend rides that I put together from time to time.
Riding is one of the true joys in living here on a full time basis.
Slash I know your out there lurking :lol: what is the actual distance to Mae Hong Son from Udon? I was figuring about 2600 Klm round trip at these fuel costs that would put me at 7k before I even spent a day there.