GT-Rider Fantasy Racing- F1 / MotoGP-Pick your team!

Mar 15, 2003
OK let's try some fantasy racing and put some of our predictions on "paper". Pick your teams.

I have not tried this before, but I have been checking out sites all night. There are many. Some are free and some charge openly, or don't mention a charge until you try to register. I took the liberty of picking the two below because they seemed the easiest to start with, and are free (There was another that combined MotoGP, SBK, and BSK but we are too late for the start).

Pure Fantasy F1
If it comes up in German, scroll down on the left side and choose [English]

MotoGP Manager

After you register, you can then join a private league and compete within our own league and the website as a whole.

Our Private League is Password: thailand on both sites.

It takes a little reading to figure it all out, but I think we will all understand it better as it goes along and hopefully have some fun. Hope all you racing fans participate. :D