Houei Xai---Pak Beng---Nong Khiew.
Date. September 2009.
I had a few days to kill, so what better way to spend them, than a quick trip to Laos.
Considering it was wet season, the weather was good. Only got wash out one day.
Every trip north, should start with iced coffee and lemon pie, at charon resort.
I meet up with HTWoodsmen in Chiang Khong, and we crossed over to Laos together.
Everything was going great, all the paper work was done in no time. Problem was it was a quiet day on the river,
and the ferry wasn't about to cross with only two bikes on it.
So it was a long wait, till some trucks came along to make it worth there while going.
Waiting Waiting.
It was sticking hot, and we were glad to be on our way.
Next day Liam headed north to Luang Namtha, and I took the road east to Pak Beng.
The road to Pak Beng just out of Houei Xai
The clouds hung low in the early morning, but before long the sun would be out making it a hot days ride.
River life on the Nam Tha.
Ive rode this road a few times in the past, and its now in very good condition, so it wasn't to long before I got a
little board.
So I thought I give some of the smaller tracks ago, to see were they ended up.
Looking for a shortcut, I tried this one for luck.
Came across a few of these gates, hot work in the sun.
Don't know were I'm going.............but I'm going.
The track was like this till I came to a small village. Just slop.
About four kilometers past the village the, track narrowed, and bamboo got thicker, until the track was no more.
So had to turn around a ride the mud and open the gates in reverse.
After a few hours of going no were it was back on to the main track, dreaming of beer in Pak Beng.
Arrived in Pak Beng and check in to a guesthouse, then it was off to have a few beers over looking the river, for a change.
In the morning decided that Id stay another night Pak Beng, and spend the day checking out some of the smaller tracks in the area.
I had seen the start of this track the day before, it wasn't on the GPS, so had no idea were it went.
It ended up being one of the most interesting rides Ive ever had.
Chickens, kids and pigs. Sharing the highways in Laos.
The highway came to an end at a beautiful little village surround by rice fields.
The locals came from every were to see the KLX, and its strange looking rider.
I'm sure this kid was thinking "I know the green thing is a motorbike, but whats that drinking the orange juice".
Boy, am I the popular one.
Heading out of town leaving the friendly villages behind.
The next track.... Its one of the tracks were you don't see anyone.
It wasn't on the GPS, but it looked to be heading to the Mekong river, so I just keep going.
After about 40kms, and riding at 2500 meters above sea level. I finally spotted the Mekong in the distance.
I arrived at a small village and asked how I could get to the river. The villagers said it was two kilometers from the village,
(GPS said the same) but it was impossible to get too. I said I wanted to ride to the river, but they keep saying the Lao equivalent of "no way hose"
Its not possible.
The village two kilometers from the river.
Girls do all the work, the boys do nothing. Complete opposite to the western world.
Turned around and headed back to Pak Beng, and dreaming of beers on the river.
On the way back the speedo tuned over 30,000kms so took a snap.
Still going strong.
This is the road that will eventually by pass Pak Beng.
Pak Beng to Nong Khiew.
The road from Pak Beng to Oudom Xai (2W) is always a good ride.
Its always in good conduction, there's plenty of villages, and great scenery, (IMHO) the best sealed road in Laos.
Gasohol dying in the sun.
Flammable corn.
Hot work in the sun for the Lady's. I bet the lazy men are drunk playing pool some were.
Road side supermarket.
Fredo and friends.
Just before the HWY13 turn off.
Nong Khiew.
It was my first time to Nong Khiew, its a beautiful little town on the Nam Ou river.
I suppose you call it a "chill out" town. Very layed back with a stunning mountain backdrop.
I stayed in a bungalow similar to this one at Seng Dao guesthouse. 70,000 kip a night, a real bargain.
View from the bungalow balcony.
Seng Dao guesthouse.
The Nam Ou river. You can get boats south to Luang prabang, north to muang Ngoi, Muang Khua, and maybe even Phongsali.
Nong Khiew's main street.
Good place to eat. Delilah resturant.
Unique outdoor funiture..I had breakfast here...........I was to scared to fart.
On that note, Ill finish up.
Date. September 2009.
I had a few days to kill, so what better way to spend them, than a quick trip to Laos.
Considering it was wet season, the weather was good. Only got wash out one day.
Every trip north, should start with iced coffee and lemon pie, at charon resort.
I meet up with HTWoodsmen in Chiang Khong, and we crossed over to Laos together.
Everything was going great, all the paper work was done in no time. Problem was it was a quiet day on the river,
and the ferry wasn't about to cross with only two bikes on it.
So it was a long wait, till some trucks came along to make it worth there while going.
Waiting Waiting.
It was sticking hot, and we were glad to be on our way.
Next day Liam headed north to Luang Namtha, and I took the road east to Pak Beng.
The road to Pak Beng just out of Houei Xai
The clouds hung low in the early morning, but before long the sun would be out making it a hot days ride.
River life on the Nam Tha.
Ive rode this road a few times in the past, and its now in very good condition, so it wasn't to long before I got a
little board.
So I thought I give some of the smaller tracks ago, to see were they ended up.
Looking for a shortcut, I tried this one for luck.
Came across a few of these gates, hot work in the sun.
Don't know were I'm going.............but I'm going.
The track was like this till I came to a small village. Just slop.
About four kilometers past the village the, track narrowed, and bamboo got thicker, until the track was no more.
So had to turn around a ride the mud and open the gates in reverse.
After a few hours of going no were it was back on to the main track, dreaming of beer in Pak Beng.
Arrived in Pak Beng and check in to a guesthouse, then it was off to have a few beers over looking the river, for a change.
In the morning decided that Id stay another night Pak Beng, and spend the day checking out some of the smaller tracks in the area.
I had seen the start of this track the day before, it wasn't on the GPS, so had no idea were it went.
It ended up being one of the most interesting rides Ive ever had.
Chickens, kids and pigs. Sharing the highways in Laos.
The highway came to an end at a beautiful little village surround by rice fields.
The locals came from every were to see the KLX, and its strange looking rider.
I'm sure this kid was thinking "I know the green thing is a motorbike, but whats that drinking the orange juice".
Boy, am I the popular one.
Heading out of town leaving the friendly villages behind.
The next track.... Its one of the tracks were you don't see anyone.
It wasn't on the GPS, but it looked to be heading to the Mekong river, so I just keep going.
After about 40kms, and riding at 2500 meters above sea level. I finally spotted the Mekong in the distance.
I arrived at a small village and asked how I could get to the river. The villagers said it was two kilometers from the village,
(GPS said the same) but it was impossible to get too. I said I wanted to ride to the river, but they keep saying the Lao equivalent of "no way hose"
Its not possible.
The village two kilometers from the river.
Girls do all the work, the boys do nothing. Complete opposite to the western world.
Turned around and headed back to Pak Beng, and dreaming of beers on the river.
On the way back the speedo tuned over 30,000kms so took a snap.
Still going strong.
This is the road that will eventually by pass Pak Beng.
Pak Beng to Nong Khiew.
The road from Pak Beng to Oudom Xai (2W) is always a good ride.
Its always in good conduction, there's plenty of villages, and great scenery, (IMHO) the best sealed road in Laos.
Gasohol dying in the sun.
Flammable corn.
Hot work in the sun for the Lady's. I bet the lazy men are drunk playing pool some were.
Road side supermarket.
Fredo and friends.
Just before the HWY13 turn off.
Nong Khiew.
It was my first time to Nong Khiew, its a beautiful little town on the Nam Ou river.
I suppose you call it a "chill out" town. Very layed back with a stunning mountain backdrop.
I stayed in a bungalow similar to this one at Seng Dao guesthouse. 70,000 kip a night, a real bargain.
View from the bungalow balcony.
Seng Dao guesthouse.
The Nam Ou river. You can get boats south to Luang prabang, north to muang Ngoi, Muang Khua, and maybe even Phongsali.
Nong Khiew's main street.
Good place to eat. Delilah resturant.
Unique outdoor funiture..I had breakfast here...........I was to scared to fart.
On that note, Ill finish up.