We are booked in the Ivory, apparently brand new, therfore in no list
1500 b
The owner 0844799944 Khun Suddee also arranged for the purchase of the 2 tickets at no extra charge, for the Sunday show. while Martin the owner of Farang Connection, wanted 50b per ticket. I dont have a problem to pay for service, but if I can get it cheaper, why not.
We cancelled the other resevations apparently we booked into the worst hotel in Surin not knowing it.
We will be leaving Saturday Morning from Udon so if anyone want to ride down with us let me know. Thsi hotel is new and not listed yet so there may still be rooms available
1500 b
The owner 0844799944 Khun Suddee also arranged for the purchase of the 2 tickets at no extra charge, for the Sunday show. while Martin the owner of Farang Connection, wanted 50b per ticket. I dont have a problem to pay for service, but if I can get it cheaper, why not.
We cancelled the other resevations apparently we booked into the worst hotel in Surin not knowing it.
We will be leaving Saturday Morning from Udon so if anyone want to ride down with us let me know. Thsi hotel is new and not listed yet so there may still be rooms available