Sankaphaeng Loop PLUS backway to Jaeson

Oct 27, 2006
Here's the first of what I hope will be many reports as I tour the North, Esan, and Central Thailand over the next 2 months. Enjoy, and all comments, feedback, and recommendations for a GT-Rider newbie are much welcomed!

Date: May 8th 2007
Bike: Honda Steed 400
Route: 1317- road to Tharnthong Lodges/David's Kitchen- Jaeson Nat'l Park road- 1252- 118
Conditions: Hardly any rain (for the first time in days!), but the roads were often wet and littered with sticks, leaves, and sand from storms earlier in the week.

Since this is my first post, I'll share just a little about myself so you have a frame of reference. I've been living and working for the past 2+ years in a village in Khon Kaen Province in Esan. I've taken a handful of riding trips over the past couple years, mostly in the North but some in Esan also. I've now finished my work in Thailand, but before heading back to the States I'm spending the next 2 months cruising around and camping (when I can) along the way. I'll be going around on a Steed 400 and typically go at a pretty moderate pace, taking time for photos, enjoying the scenery, and talking to villagers (I'm fortunate to have the language which has added so much to my travels.)

CM-David's Kitchen: This trip started as the Sankaphaeng Loop, taking 1317 out of CM. A few K's after the hot springs turn off I saw a sign for David's Kitchen and followed it on a whim. The small road wound around to the gorgeous Tharnthong Lodges, also home to David's Kitchen. I had just eaten so only grabbed a drink, but the setting was lovely, the menu looked great, and David, his wife Prom, and the owners of the Lodge where all very friendly and welcoming. I plan on getting back there for a proper meal sometime in the future.

David's Kitchen-Jaeson Nat'l Park: Continue on the same road and you'll be on a tight, very steep, little asphalt road that will eventually bring you to the back entrance of Jaeson. Along the way you pass through several very picturesque mountain villages and get some nice views from the mountains. It's asphalt the whole way, but the road was often littered with sticks, leaves, and sand from recent storms, so the going was pretty slow. There are also 4 or 5 places where the stream runs over the road, but it was never more than 3-4 inches deep on my trip and no problem. This road is extremely steep in parts- there where sections I spent entirely in 1st gear. Eventually you will go by what looks like a ranger cabin on your right; when you come to the T after the cabin take a left. This will lead you into Jaeson. If you don't want to go all the way through to Jaeson, there's a couple of nice view points on the top of the mountain range that would make a nice place to turn around and head back towards 1317.

Jaeson-1252: A nice road takes you the few K's from Jaeson to 1252. To complete the loop back to CM take a left on 1252, to head towards Lampang go right. 1252 is good, winding, asphalt road. A few kilometers before 118 there is nice little road on the left (I didn't see a # or name on it) that cuts back to 1317. Or keep going straight and you'll run into 118. On 118 its a quick blast back into CM.

Alright, that's all for this first one. Since I'm on the road and have limited internet time I might not be able to get pictures up on here, but if I get the chance I'll try to include some on future write-ups.

Mar 15, 2003
Mr. Eyang- Nice report. One of my favorite loops.




Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Mr Eyang
Welcome to the board & thanks for contributing.
I hope you enjoy your time touring around & we get to enjoy some more posts from you. Please keep 'em coming. We appreciate all that we get.