Hi all
I'm tentatively planning a motorbike trip into north/central Laos from VN over Tet and hoped that I could use your experiences to answer three questions I had:
(1) Is there any update on the posts from jimoi and digby from June 2006 on problems at the border taking bikes into Laos? Is any special paperwork still required (like the official letter that jimoi had to organise)?
(2) Does anyone know if it's possible to rent a Minsk from Cuong's or anywhere else in Hanoi and take it into Laos (ie is Cuong able and willing to provide the paperwork needed)?
(3) I was thinking of taking the Na Meo border or possibly Nam Kanh. Do you think there will be any problems exiting over Tet?
many thanks in advance for your help!
- Sri
I'm tentatively planning a motorbike trip into north/central Laos from VN over Tet and hoped that I could use your experiences to answer three questions I had:
(1) Is there any update on the posts from jimoi and digby from June 2006 on problems at the border taking bikes into Laos? Is any special paperwork still required (like the official letter that jimoi had to organise)?
(2) Does anyone know if it's possible to rent a Minsk from Cuong's or anywhere else in Hanoi and take it into Laos (ie is Cuong able and willing to provide the paperwork needed)?
(3) I was thinking of taking the Na Meo border or possibly Nam Kanh. Do you think there will be any problems exiting over Tet?
many thanks in advance for your help!
- Sri