Yamaha XJR 1300 - PRICE DROP!!!!

Aug 7, 2003
If you have a dirt bike some times the pads don't last 3000kms, and sometimes it's worth changing them before they wear out, I regularly change them out before a long ride just so I know I won't have a problem out in the sticks. Also to poor guy didn't say they were worn out , he just said he had put new ones in, give him a break.


Captain_Slash wrote: mikerust wrote

Weight 243kgs. Top speed 140+

Whats that got to do with it? I have never heard of anything wearing out a set of brake pads in that time before, my Harley Sportster is heavy, I thrash it around all the time and do a lot of heavy braking but I still got over 40000km out of them
40,000km for a set of pads Cap'n??? Must be heavy engine braking on that V-twin of yours rather than wheel braking ;-)

9,000 doesn't sound too bad and depends on pad material and riding style. Like Harri said, give the guy a break (not brake - ha ha!!!).




Aug 20, 2003
How many regular service checks has it had since 2000? About ten every 5000km? ;-)


Aug 20, 2003
Let's assume the bike came with stock pads from the factory. Let's assume Yamaha figured in the weight an power of the bike and didn't fit it with pads for a 250 Virago but with adequate ones. They should last 25.000km comfortably, no matter how often you brake, and should be a fairly reliable indicator of the actual mileage.
Then the bike is a 2000 model, that means it's 8 years old. Let's assume a moderate 5000km per year which would wear out the pads so they need to be changed. At 9000km any mechanic who takes a look at the pads would say: no need new ones.
Maybe the bike has been sitting for 6 out of 8 years? New tire, new battery, I agree with that, but why pads? And how do the 'regular service checks' fit in there? Any receipts?
When I lived in the US I bought and sold over 30 used bikes in seven years, and for every bike bought I probably looked at four. And I didn't come across a lot of bikes that had been sitting for 6 out of 8 years, or 3 out of 4.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discredit old Scott, I'm not saying the bike's no good or it's a bad deal. It's just that something doesn't add up here. Maybe he bought R1 pads just for the fun of it?
I have a 2003 model, and if you take it around the block you'll say: I believe this bike did only 8000km. You can tell by how the switches work, how the gears snick in, how the clutch springs feel, how everything feels. Hope the big Yammie feels the same!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
The ol GT Rider would be very happy to comfortably get 25 thou for a set of brake pads. As it is I'm happy with 20 thou max every 6 months.
So yeah I think it is different riders & horses for different courses.
But for riding in the mountains in the North & on dirt I don't think many guys would be getting 25 thou on a regular basis, unless they are slowing down at the start of the straight & simply rolling through all the corners. :wink: :wink:

Here's the bike by the way

Scott you just needed to highlight the URL, and then click on the Img box above to get the photo to pop up.
Nov 13, 2008
Thx for the picture David!

And just do end this stupid discussion. I changed the old breaks to new R1 breaks I go from a friend and sold the original ones. You are all right, no bike needs new breaks only after 9000 km.
And with regular service checks I mean that i take care of the bike, change the oil once in a while and get it checked every other thousand kilometer.

I did not sell over 30 bikes nor am is English my first language, therefore plz have some mercy with my advert!

If anyone has any further questions plz send me an email.



Feb 8, 2007
Hi Scott!

Take it easy and don't worry.
We are all friends on this board, but, I guess, all different. Everybody just has his own feelings and words, and all bikers like to chat about the other ones'bikes...
Nobody for sure intented to bash you or your bike! :wink:

Good luck,

PS: I too I'm not a english native speaker, but no problem at all, as you, I just do what I can, and basta! Everybody is different (with different bikes), and this is, realy, very rewarding to all.