1995 Kawasaki Ninja good running order 65,000 Baht legal boo

Oct 15, 2006
Got a 95 Kawasaki Ninja for sale really cheap, because I am moving back to Canada on May 4th.
I just had it painted and repaired (no accidents, just a few minor mechanical and electrical things I had fixed)
Got it on consignment at S. Annan Motors in Chiang Rai right now for 75,000 Baht, but dropped the price to 65,000 this week, to sell it fast, before I go home.
Awesome deal guys :) No catches, it's for real.
Has legal plates and book and is currently registered in Chiang Mai Province.
call us at 084-173-9975, if you need directions to the shop, or look it up on the following link.... http://chiangdao.org/otherbusinesses.htm (I prefer, if you deal with Boehm or his wife Aeo directly, at S. Annan Motors, because, I am very busy right now. Thanks.

you can also see a picture of it, on the following link on my website...

(Red bike, close to the bottom of the page)

The shop in Chiang Rai is closed on Sundays and open any other day during the week, except for Songkran week.

Off and running...can't wait to ride my Harley across Canada :)
Oct 15, 2006
Not sure how to edit or delete my original post, so I am replying with my update...
The bike is now in Chiang Dao with me. It's a 900 Ninja and it goes like stink :D Made me feel alive, when I took it for a spin the other day...New tires, paint, chain, electical done, looks good and runs good.

The nice part is, it's all legal, with the Green Book registered in Chiang Mai Province already, in my wife's name. We just changed it over from my buddies wife's name, who sold it to me last year.

I'm flying out on the 4th of May (11 days from today) and will leave Chiang Dao on the 3rd, so if you want it, you'll have to act fast.

My number is 082-894-7158 my wife's # is 084-173-9975.

I don't have time to screw around with this, as I am getting ready to fly to Canada in 11 days, so if someone wants it, come and get it quick. Phone only. I don't think I'll have time to check back on the website. Very busy right now