Dear Suzi,
Its all relitive, I don't believe the crime rate was ever 'bad' compared
with other countries. It is much safer here in Vientiane than for example
Sydney. And as for the recent spate of banditry well, who knows, nothing
is ever reported and its difficult to get any facts.
My reply:
I was comparing it by Vientiane standards. it wasn't as bad when I arrived in 2003 by the 2006... it was bad.
I have friends who work at the different embassies and say that the robbery incidents were increasing. Thieves often wielded machetes.
Nothing on official record perhaps but the accounts are passed by word of mouth. The details seem to be the same. Both locals and expatriats worry about the crime rate.They say it is coz many have become amphetamine addicts and thus the aggressive and violent behaviour. It's hard to believe that some local youth have gotten that way.
On the last trip back, a local said a lao youth entered a restaurant. mistaking one of the patrons for a friend, he tapped him on the shoulder. The youth died - from a near decapitation.
why would people would make up stuff like that?
I personally know of a couple (expatriats) who were knocked of their motorbike and robbed at machete point. Fortunately, they had their crash helmets on and so did not sustain any head injury. 3 of my frineds had their home burgled while one was mugged outside her house when she got back from a party. 4 youths roughed her up and made off with her bag. Beth was all nerves afterwards. she left laos some months later.
Some tourists were at the wrong place at the wrong time and were chased and slashed.
things weren't like that before. Things have changed, Vientiane used to be such a 'Sleepyhollow'.
my two cents worth...