Hi all, this is my first post here and I have been enjoying your site very much. My wife and I toured India last year for two months and had a ball. You might like to see our blog at http://www.pyrosplace.wordpress.com We are planing a trip to Vietnam in December with three friends and wish to motorbike around the country, possibly into cambodia also but the plan is hazy at the moment as we will only have 4 to 5 weeks. My real question at the moment is what bikes to rent/buy. Preferably we want road bikes with a bit of style. We are not interested in scooters or sports bikes. We like the look of the Minsk and are positavely drooling over the Ural although we realise that it probably cant happen. I see that the Minsk gets a bad rap for reliability, and although we are a little bit motor savy, we dont want to be broken down constantly. The 125 honda hero that is sold in India would be a suitable machine. I havent found a Vietnam equivelant yet but am sure that there is one. I should also mention that we are thinking of starting from Saigon.
Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading and happy riding.
Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading and happy riding.