The best pizza around, in the North of Thailand, seems to be @ the Mekong Pizza at the Golden Triangle; and is confirmed by the many rave comments by riders who have eaten there.
GT Rider has had a GTR dinner there in 2019, with 13 people attending & everyone loved the meal & event.
It's become a favourite 65 kms ride on mine across Paradise Road & dinner from Chiang Khong on a regular basis.
What started yesterday as a hook up for 2 people morphed into a wonderful night out with 10 people; and what a fantastic night it was.
After we closed the Mekong Pizza we carried on at May's Lucky Cafe 120 metres away to wind up another magic night. Anyone who has been to the Lucky will have been highly impressed, cheap cocktails & delightful service from May & her family.
Such are the good times to be had at the GT with a pizza & a few cocktails @ May’s that GTR proposes a bi-monthly Mekong Pizza night at the Golden Triangle.
The invitation is open to all riders who want to hook up at the GT & have a pleasant evening chatting about bikes ‘n trips.
Get on your bike & go for a ride.
The first date is Tuesday, 31st March 2020.
The time = 6.30PM @ the Mekong Pizza.
The location = Mekong Pizza [bcolor=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/bcolor]
See you all there.
Make your own way there at your own pace, & get your own accommodation.
There are plenty of hotel options at the GT. Some options from GTR
Golden Triangle - Sop Ruak Accommodation
The Mekong Pizza & Lucky Cafe
Sop Ruak - Golden Triangle Restaurants
If you have a GTR shirt you’re welcome to wear one.
GT Rider has had a GTR dinner there in 2019, with 13 people attending & everyone loved the meal & event.
It's become a favourite 65 kms ride on mine across Paradise Road & dinner from Chiang Khong on a regular basis.
What started yesterday as a hook up for 2 people morphed into a wonderful night out with 10 people; and what a fantastic night it was.
After we closed the Mekong Pizza we carried on at May's Lucky Cafe 120 metres away to wind up another magic night. Anyone who has been to the Lucky will have been highly impressed, cheap cocktails & delightful service from May & her family.
Such are the good times to be had at the GT with a pizza & a few cocktails @ May’s that GTR proposes a bi-monthly Mekong Pizza night at the Golden Triangle.
The invitation is open to all riders who want to hook up at the GT & have a pleasant evening chatting about bikes ‘n trips.
Get on your bike & go for a ride.
The first date is Tuesday, 31st March 2020.
The time = 6.30PM @ the Mekong Pizza.
The location = Mekong Pizza [bcolor=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/bcolor]
See you all there.
Make your own way there at your own pace, & get your own accommodation.
There are plenty of hotel options at the GT. Some options from GTR
Golden Triangle - Sop Ruak Accommodation
The Mekong Pizza & Lucky Cafe
Sop Ruak - Golden Triangle Restaurants
If you have a GTR shirt you’re welcome to wear one.