Dropped by the 'Big' bike show at Central World in Bkk a couple weeks back and finally found a moment to upload about 90 photos. Not a bad showing, decent representation across the board, met up with the convivial Aussie GM of Harley Thailand, enjoyed the ribs from Great American Rib Co, the beer was cold, lotsa bikes and all in all, not a bad day out.
Links to album:
3 pages
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 567323b8b6
2 more pages:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 3a9eed836a
Random samples:
iPhone for photos, Ribs, Beer, all essential ingredients to taking in a bike show... (yes, that's ice in my beer, coyote slipped it in
Links to album:
3 pages
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 567323b8b6
2 more pages:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 3a9eed836a
Random samples:
iPhone for photos, Ribs, Beer, all essential ingredients to taking in a bike show... (yes, that's ice in my beer, coyote slipped it in