Bike Racing at the Go-Karts


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Tomorrow - Sunday 16th July - bike racing starts mid day at the "Hang Dong" go kart track.
THEN MotoGP - Germany round - Star Sports TV at 4.00 pm, at the Local Moon Muang Soi 9.

Keep The Power On
Oct 12, 2005
A great turnout at the second Bike race in Hang Dong. Some fun action in the "grocery getter" classes and watching the Thais pitch their spindly 125cc mopeds and Yamaha Mio's around the track was a good. The top gents really get on it. Watching the chassis flex and squirm coming out of the last turn was great stuff.

You gotta admire 'em for the run-off is minimal and its concrete buildings 6 inches off the racing line coming onto the front straight.

The supermotard was great watching an XR600 battle it out with a faster KLX110. Complete with the XR being pushed wide off the track, coming back on, then a wild, out of control, late braking move up the inside of the KLX led to the KLX going down and a small highside for the XR. The crowd loved it.

I motored along Soi 9 to meet up with the gents for the GP action after but could not locate the bar. In the parking lot just up from the Powehouse Gym they had an auto Gymkana(sp?) going with all the lads and their cars tearing it up around the parking lot. A sad replacement for Schuey and the boys, but as pops said "beggars can't be choosy".


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Agreed it was a good afternoon out for us race starved bikers.
The type of machines racing in no way detracted from the fun or excitement at the track.
Even the brolly dollies were impressive & there's rumour of a GT Rider entry next time round just to get a brolly dolly alongside. Check out the photos…



Don't know how you missed us at The Local - it's at the corner of Moon Muang Soi 9 & Sri Phum Soi 1 - as "we all" ended up there to watch both the MotogGP & the F1.

Keep The Power On
Mar 15, 2003
Yes, and then there really was some good racing......



Some of these guys were really impressive, dragging knees and taking each other out.

Anyone know when the next event is scheduled?

Dave Early

Ever notice that "What the Heck!" is usually the right answer?
Oct 12, 2005

Here's a picture that shows why this lovely was so popular with the GT Rider crew.

Yes David, sorry I missed you all at the local. Sadly this boy is anything but a local and my newness to the city had me scouring soi 9 up by Nimmanhaemin Rd., instead of off of Moon Muang. I'm searching for a detailed map of Chiang Mai so I can avoid this in the future, so if you've got one you like let me know.

Silverhawk, i heard the races would be every three weeks but don't know how set in stone that is.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong

Originally posted by SilverhawkUSA

Yes, and then there really was some good racing......

Some of these guys were really impressive, dragging knees and taking each other out.

Anyone know when the next event is scheduled?

Dave Early

Ever notice that "What the Heck!" is usually the right answer?

Glad you watched the races. I actually saw most of them too, but did not get any pix. (The starts were more riveting for me).
For me the best part of the afternoon was the little guy on Kawa KSR110 taking on the big guy on the XR650 motard.

Supposedly the next two rounds are
19 November
17 December
The rounds that "we" missed were
9 April
21 May
18 June
But we got 16 July. A bit slow picking up on this weren't "we?"

Roll on November 19....

Keep The Power On
Oct 12, 2005
The Gent on the Honda XR 600 (not 650) is a guy that is getting me some parts. I asked him about the race and he laughed. He said he did not use all the power of the 600 to keep the race interesting. He also said the little 110 he was racing has been punched out to 175cc's, different ignition, exhaust etc. Great to see the contrasting racing styles of motard Vs. roadrace.

He said the racing was fun but he would prefer there to have been more motards racing motard style. Last race they had 10 bikes on the grid but this past weekend there was a motocross that some of the bikes were attending. He's champing at the bit as he's supposed to be on a new Suzuki RMZ 450 next outing.

He said when he crashed he was knocked out a bit and just saw blackness and stars. Glad to see some racing action in Chiang mai and looking orward to the next round.

I'd like a close-up of that one Brolly Dolly so if we're getting a GT rider effort together sign me up to help out[^].
Mar 15, 2003

For me the best part of the afternoon was the little guy on Kawa KSR110 taking on the big guy on the XR650 motard.

Agreed! I shot some video but I got so focused on this guy racing I didn't get a shot of the easily predictable crash. I saw him after the race and he was a little beat up but smiling ear to ear, especially when the falangs gave him a thumbs up.

Dave Early

Ever notice that "What the Heck!" is usually the right answer?
Apr 10, 2006
That sounds like great fun, a kind of 'run what you brung'.

The story of the little guy on a KSR110 mixing it with a XR650 brought a smile to my face and took me back 20 years to when I had a 86 CR80 and used to have great fun with the guys on there 250's on a field near my home that made a half decent moto x track, would play with them for a couple of laps then leave them behind, was always guaranteed to leave a grown man looking red faced.

Would love to have a go myself but most of my time in LOS is spent down in Pattaya, maybe I can get 1 of the local go-kart tracks to do something similar, might even build myself a little CR80 motard special, although I weigh about 60lbs more these days so I doubt those little 80cc screamers will be so quick with me aboard today [:D]
Oct 12, 2005

Acutally in Pattaya there is a large contingent of expat Motard racers. They have a series that competes at 3 different tracks from Bira Go-Kart, to Rayong and one in Bangkok named Seacon(sp?) square.

I'm sure you'd find a welcoming bunch of guys there. They also have a group of expats that get on the proper Bira roadcourse most Sundays in Pattaya.

If you decide you want to get involved, let me know and I can put you in touch with some of the racers. Great to rekindle the memories of old sometimes. Great stuff on your CR80. Enjoy.
Apr 10, 2006
racer55, thanks for the info, I'm gonna be back Pattaya for a few months over Xmas and am thinking of buying a trail/enduro bike to use whenever I'm in town rather than renting, would like something a bit different so a bit of motard customisation sounds good and I'd like to get into some sort of racing for fun so I might take you up on the offer to put me in touch with some local guys who are in the know sometime in the future.

I really loved my little CR80RF, had more fun on that than I did on a CR500, it was an 85 not 86 as I posted earlier and even to this day I still sometimes dream about it and wake up thinking it's still in the shed, had a 1980 YZ80G at the same time that I rescued after someone blew the engine and was gonna scrap it, it was bored out to about a 100 and was unbelievably fast in a straight line, would beat my friends 84 YZ125 and a XL250 flat out on the concrete and would blow out heaps of sparks from the exhaust as I passed them, think a exhaust de-coke was needed, but it was a handful round a moto x track compared to the CR.

Skinny kid on his pride and joy [:)]



Feb 23, 2003
It costs 300bht, yourr blood group & contact of your next of kin and you can enter the racing at Hang Dong - The first few races (VCD's 30bht from track orr bike shop mentioned below) were good and full of suprizes but as meetings progressed through the year the rules seemed to get tougher esp on the condition of helmets and clothing (which was good news) also some of the riders showed great improvement making the racing faster and tighter. The racing was supossed to be every mid-mth sunday but for various reasons this has changed. To find out when and where next ask the guys (xlr600) in the bike shop up just past Bumrungrat Road (bus stn end) near 7-11. There are a few illegal or maybe semi-illegal (TiT) meetings but I don't think posting them on here is a good idea - same as BKK race meets they move all the time and late night. The outter ring round with its underpasses is becoming popular in areas for drag racing. But this can also be seen at the 500yr old stadiium on certain sundays 1st 0r 2nd every mth not 100% sure as not been for sometime.