Off to Uklund un Tuesdee for a cupul uv deys nuxt week, eh.
Going fur wuk, so I wun't huv much free time durung the dey for sutseeing eh.
Unywhere un parucular thut I shud go to at night bro? Ut wud be good uf thur wus placus where thur are gurls outsud thut say I um hundsum, but I guss thur wun't be, eh...
Staying right un the muddle of the cuty, always thirty, eh.
Let me know, eh.
Going fur wuk, so I wun't huv much free time durung the dey for sutseeing eh.
Unywhere un parucular thut I shud go to at night bro? Ut wud be good uf thur wus placus where thur are gurls outsud thut say I um hundsum, but I guss thur wun't be, eh...
Staying right un the muddle of the cuty, always thirty, eh.
Let me know, eh.