Thank you2wheels wrote: Jurgen,
Horses for courses really.
From my experience, if you are not considering long, dirt tracks your ER6n would be ideal.
If you look at my Laos trip report you will see that, apart from what was then a rough stretch into Luang Namtha, the roads
were good. They were also mountainous and the grunt of my 750 came in handy, as would the ER6n.
So, I'd say your bike is suitable; comfortable, fuel range, grunt for mountains and excellent on good roads.
Well, this seems to be the flip side of the coin; witnesses similar stories in the Nakai plateau North of Glommarat (Khammouane province/east of Thakaek) when they started with the Nam Theun 2 water dam. Officially USD 2'000 were billed to the WorldBank for relocation; factually truck uplifted their meagre belongings and you do not want to go into the whereabouts of the pay out.angkor1 wrote: By your report, you rode from Viang Leng to HWY 13 on the road that goes through Xaysombourne and Nam Gnome.
Three friends and myself were prevented from using this road in November by the army. Sorry Moto Rex I answer late because I was in NZ. Yes we started in Phongsawan - Vieng Leng - Xaysoumboune - Nam Gnome, Tha Heua Road 13. This was not my first trip in this aerea. Nearly 10 times we are there. Until last year we got some problems with the police in Xaysomboune. Last year the came late in the evening in our hotel and they take all passports from the group. A friend ( guide ) from Green Discovery was with us. We used paper by the law of Lao for travell around. In the morning we payed some money to the police and mooved to Vang Vien. Later the army stopped us again. It takes 30 minute, they check the paper nearly 30 minutes and we started again. This year when we arrived in Xaysoboune the police waiting for us. This time they had some question to us. They dont want the passport. They told us now this aerea is dangerous. They ask us where we have dinner. Most time we eat in a small restaurant on the local market place. So the police gave us order not longer then 9 pm to stay there. Ok, at 9.30 we are in the hotel and make a small party. Next morning on the way to Tha Heua we saw all villages at the road was burned down. When I arrived in the first big village I was confuse. Smoke everywhere and maybe 50 big trucks behind the village. Full with the equipment from the village people. Many people waiting there for transport too somewhere. Our Laofriend ask the people whats happen. They told him the goverment building a new dam and everybody have to moove. But they dont know where the stay in the future. It gave us not so a good feeling. 3 other village was the same. No pictures allowed because there are many soldiers and police too. I think this nice aerea is now vorewer closed. :cry: Sorry for my english .... :mrgreen: but I hope you undersatnd what I mean. :crazy: