CNX to Uttaradit via Hwy 11

Aug 12, 2003
Popped down to Uttaradit to visit my current favorite massager.
Hwy 11 to Lampang is a bit to freeway like for my taste, but from there on its a nice two lane road. Few villages and fields. Most of the tight turns are marked and after the tighter ones about 30km from Lampang,that are a bit rough, there are a lot of nice windy roads in real good condition. Some pathces... but everything that needed it was repaired. The traffic was light (during mid morning weekday) and roads and shoulders wide enough so it doesn't absolutely terrify you when you need to use them while giving the finger to the oncoming traffic, who had no business passing the truck coming at you. Perhaps my road ettiquite isn't proper for Thailand, but when people make me hit the brakes and pull over to avoid them, I let them know I'm displeased. I also tend to drive even more quickly afterwards in case someone decides that loss of face requires them to turn around try to put a bullet in my skull.
Anyway... the road does naturally narrow somewhat after the turn off to Uttaradit near Den Chai but remains a nice highspeed two lane affair with very few villages and fields with the attendant side traffic. Left CNX at 9a.m., had 2-3 hour massage and made it home by dark. Fun ride.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
I've ridden to Nan & Mae Hong Son for lunch, but going to Uttaradit for a massage - that's a new one and a good one. Well done - I'm impressed.
Have you done route 101 from "Den Chai" down to Si Satchanalai? If not, give it a go, as its a beautiful ride thru the hills from the turn off on route 11, and makes a change coming back.

Keep the power on