Go to see the GT Rider orthopaedic god Dr Sudhee
https://www.gt-rider.com/touring-informa ... dside-help
We use & recommend Dr Sudhee Sudasna
Phone: 0532141393
8/4 Chiang Mai –Lampang Super Highway Road
(Inside the super, at the traffic lights, diagonally opposite Wat Ched Yot)
OPEN: 5pm – 7.30 pm. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Sunday 9.30 - 11.30 am
CLOSED: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Dr Sudhee has been the leading Orthopaedic lecturer in North Thailand & most, if not all the orthopaedic surgeons have learnt from him. He has looked after members of the Thai Royal family, plus practiced in the US for many years. David Unkovich personally recommends him, as well as numerous other GT Riders over the years. Sudhee speaks perfect English, can explain diagnosis & prognosis very clearly, has an excellent disposition & is a totally wonderful person. (He’s the GT Rider’s orthopaedic god!)
Unfortunately Sudhee no longer accepts emergency accident victims at hospitals, but he is available for consultation at his clinic. If you are unsure about your treatment, check it out at his clinic. He also has the best physio-therapist at the clinic & if you are having any post accident / op disabilities, go to see Suhdee, get the best advice & recommended therapy treatment.
Emergency Accident Treatment: with broken bones & trauma Dr Sudhee recommends Dr Anupong at Ram hospital. Get yourself admitted to either RAM or Lanna hospitals, & then ask for Dr Anupong. Dr Sudhee works as head of a consultancy team with Dr Anupong, & they often jointly consult on cases.
Good luck & don’t crash. But if you do – use Anupong & Sudhee.
Take a look at
https://www.gt-rider.com/thailand-motorc ... t3276.html
https://www.gt-rider.com/thailand-motorc ... t4283.html
https://www.gt-rider.com/thailand-motorc ... t3659.html
https://www.gt-rider.com/thailand-motorc ... t2201.html
for more bone doctor stories & reports.
Re Sudhee - Silverhawk, David Lek, Dave Dirty & Godi have all used him, + others I'm sure. (Over the years I've needed Sudhee's assistance several times - ankle, wrist, leg, humerous.)
But BJ what happened – sounds like you've got a story to tell?