Here links to a few videos I recently uploaded. Basically some nice off road shots here in Laos. Something to get you in the mood to bust some berms and throw some dirt. Maybe another week for me.....
This one is just the road to Nam Lik Lodge. It is just nice scenery, nothing too exciting. I broke my foot during the pass attempt at 6.50, and actually realize what happend at 7.40 when I start cussing. OOOOWWWW! enjoy!
This is a short video that shows some great single track I miss cutting trails....
Finally, some good trail footage, ending with a breakdown.....dag nabbit....stuck float bowl.....PITA but and ez fix......just keep whacking the carb bowl with a screwdriver end or tap screwdriver with hammer against carb bowl. Good luck!!
This one is just the road to Nam Lik Lodge. It is just nice scenery, nothing too exciting. I broke my foot during the pass attempt at 6.50, and actually realize what happend at 7.40 when I start cussing. OOOOWWWW! enjoy!
This is a short video that shows some great single track I miss cutting trails....
Finally, some good trail footage, ending with a breakdown.....dag nabbit....stuck float bowl.....PITA but and ez fix......just keep whacking the carb bowl with a screwdriver end or tap screwdriver with hammer against carb bowl. Good luck!!