doi angkhang

Dec 13, 2003
Just back from Doi Angkhang, this time on a Honda Steed 400 which I rented at Big Shopper on Moon Muang. After 20 minutes the bike broke down in Mae Rim and they brought me another one, this time reasonable but for sure not good condition.
From Chiang Dao I went to Arunothai and up to Angkhang. You can do the ride in 2 hours. Roads are good quality, from Arunothai to Angkhang quite steep and many curves. Sometimes some gravel in the curves. I stayed overnight in Doi Angkhang, you can rent tents here, 300 baht for 2 people including sleeping bag. I did also the loop starting going down route 1249. Steep but very good road. After arriving on route 107 I continued for about 10 km and turned left at the sign for Hot Springs. I think this is the bypass. Then Left at the intersection (have to ask, if you do not speak Thai this is a real problem). Continue through a few villages until you pass the army post. Turn left and at the T-junction again left (no signs). Then up to Nor Lae, first part is good road although very narrow, second part is very steep and asphalt broken in many places, you pass another army post.
I am still not sure if this is the right way from Fang to Nor Lae because I found it not easy to find and impossible to find if you can not ask directions in Thai.



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Sounds like you're trying to check out all the good roads mate. Good stuff, this is the riding season, so keep going & don't stop....

Your comment about the Big Chopper only echoes the previous gripe ... hichpage=1

You’re also right about the Nor Lae - Nong Tao - Muang Chum - Fang road being a bit difficult to navigate, especially if you start from Fang - you really have to know where you are going, and / or speak a bit of Thai. Its a real tricky area, and the best "maps" for the area west of Fang are probably still in the ones in my guide book – pages 58 / 56 / 54.
The Nor Lae - Nong Tao road can be a bit scary at times, especially after the wet season. It was seriously bad about 7-8 yrs ago & I got caught in there for 3 hrs once, going down from Nor Lae. Eventually we had to turn back & as it was impossible to get the bikes (250s Bajas) out. Nowadays it is not too bad, just incredibly steep, but it sometimes still suffers from landslides. See images 37-38-39 in the roads gallery ... ameSet.htm
and you will see what I mean.

Keep riding & enjoying the best biking roads in North Thailand!

Keep the power on