1. Part, Cambodia: Enduro Tour to Bokor Nationalpark
Description Bokor Nationalpark:
In the 20th years a luxury tourist place from french people. Since 1998 everybody can look it, before they are many
mines there. The top is 1079 meters..
It is a problem to get a good motorbike for this tour. In sihanoukville is only one shop from the german man manfred.
The shop is named “Best Bike”. He has 5 new 250 suzuki rebell (4-stroke). Price: about 10-15 dollar/day
His adress:
The bikes really good and many times out :cry: . A reservation is meaningful !
The location is 5 minutes from the busstation
And….girls welcome:
A french man has sometimes good bikes too. He is on the mainroad.
If you don’t find a bike you can look in kampot. Sean Li is a good shop, he is opposite of the mealy chenda guesthouse
in kampot. My bike was from sean li for 12 dollars per day. He has some old and new bikes and he told us he want buy
new bikes.
If you need a map you can look on my site http://www.helbob.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13 (only german language)
with the maps of Kenneth Cramer, or look the english site of Mr. Cramer on :
Forget near every bikes in sihanoukville they are horrible and dangerous! The cambians don’t care about safety,
only cheap (about 7-10 dollar).:hehe: .
First day, the ride from sv to kampot/kep (ca. 130 km about 2,5 hr)
The room in the Vandana Resort (when you come to kep, left up) for 10 dollar. The cheap bungalows cots 6 Dollar.
Adress and telephone:
More in the next days
Description Bokor Nationalpark:
In the 20th years a luxury tourist place from french people. Since 1998 everybody can look it, before they are many
mines there. The top is 1079 meters..
It is a problem to get a good motorbike for this tour. In sihanoukville is only one shop from the german man manfred.
The shop is named “Best Bike”. He has 5 new 250 suzuki rebell (4-stroke). Price: about 10-15 dollar/day
His adress:
The bikes really good and many times out :cry: . A reservation is meaningful !
The location is 5 minutes from the busstation
And….girls welcome:
A french man has sometimes good bikes too. He is on the mainroad.
If you don’t find a bike you can look in kampot. Sean Li is a good shop, he is opposite of the mealy chenda guesthouse
in kampot. My bike was from sean li for 12 dollars per day. He has some old and new bikes and he told us he want buy
new bikes.
If you need a map you can look on my site http://www.helbob.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13 (only german language)
with the maps of Kenneth Cramer, or look the english site of Mr. Cramer on :
Forget near every bikes in sihanoukville they are horrible and dangerous! The cambians don’t care about safety,
only cheap (about 7-10 dollar).:hehe: .
First day, the ride from sv to kampot/kep (ca. 130 km about 2,5 hr)
The room in the Vandana Resort (when you come to kep, left up) for 10 dollar. The cheap bungalows cots 6 Dollar.
Adress and telephone:
More in the next days