Open Street Maps (OSM) is a free community driven resource that can be used when planning your trip as well as loading the Map on your GPS device.
OSM Home Page:-
List of Supported Devices / Software:-
GPS device reviews - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Software/Mobile - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Garmin Supported Devices:-
Garmin - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OSM map on Garmin / Download:-
OSM Map On Garmin - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OSM Map On Garmin/Download - OpenStreetMap Wiki
You can use the tracks you have obtained on the forum or other sources with OSM just like you would with any other map.
Another great tool is Google Earth by overlaying a path you have traced with in Google Earth and wish to ride. (Keep in mind some Google Earth maps are dated)
Once you save the Google earth path as a KMZ file convert it to GPX format you can then overlay the track with OSM.
Create a GPS Route / Track in Google Earth:-
Please don't forget to contribute your updated / new tracks to the Forum and OSM.
GT-Rider:- GPS Tracks
OSM:- Upload - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OSM Home Page:-
List of Supported Devices / Software:-
GPS device reviews - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Software/Mobile - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Garmin Supported Devices:-
Garmin - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OSM map on Garmin / Download:-
OSM Map On Garmin - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OSM Map On Garmin/Download - OpenStreetMap Wiki
You can use the tracks you have obtained on the forum or other sources with OSM just like you would with any other map.
Another great tool is Google Earth by overlaying a path you have traced with in Google Earth and wish to ride. (Keep in mind some Google Earth maps are dated)
Once you save the Google earth path as a KMZ file convert it to GPX format you can then overlay the track with OSM.
Create a GPS Route / Track in Google Earth:-
Creating a GPS Route / Track in Google Earth
Create a GPS route using Google Earth:- Google Earth allows you to see the roads and trails, as well as the type of terrain being passed through. One way to create a route is to draw a “path” by clicking a succession of points along the path you would like to ride. You draw a path on Google...

Please don't forget to contribute your updated / new tracks to the Forum and OSM.
GT-Rider:- GPS Tracks
OSM:- Upload - OpenStreetMap Wiki
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