From Three Pagodas Pass to Mae Sot


Sep 11, 2005
I'm a swedish biker and have earlier been in Chiang Mai traveling around on a rented bike. Now I'm going to Bangkok in february 2006 and have been in contact with Peter at Siam SuperBike. He seems to have reliable bikes for sale. I'm most interested in an offroad-bike. I plan to go from Bangkok to northern Thailand. An area I want to explore is the Thung Yai Narai Suan National Park north of Three Pagodas Pass. Have anybody made a ride through that area passing Nam Chon reservoir and up to Mae Sot? Thankful if somebody have some ideas about it.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Coming from the North (Mae Sot) Umphang is at the end of the road & there's no exit or anywhere else to go. Some shit maps might suggest otherwise, that indeed there are roads into Umphang from the south & east, but this is not true.

Years ago there used to be a route that went thru inside Burma in what used to be Mon? territory but this is also no longer possible for obvious reasons.

Thung Yai is also a wildlife sanctuary & the normal rule is that you need permission to travel into & out of a WSs. Application of the rules varies from place to place, but I dont think it is just that easy to travel into & out of Thung Yai as you please. I have a mate who's a wildlife photographer & he needs permits every time he goes into TY WS.

I hope this is a help & gives you a better idea of how difficult it might be.

How much riding did you do up north & where did you go?
Is there any chance of putting something back in with some road & trip reports please.

Keep The Power On


Sep 11, 2005
Thanks Davidfl
I have mailed the tourist board for some advice but maybe I have to skip that Thung Yai part. I will take the day as it comes and have no particular goal more than I can spend three weeks biking around. Anyway I plan to ride road 105 from Mae Sot along the Burmesian border. Saw also at the border map I can go into Burma at Mae Sot. But it will only be a day trip. Possible I end up in Chiang Mai but it will depend on time. I also need to go back to my girlfriends house at Koraht before going back to Sweden. But if I leave the bike there I will come back more times and ride around. I'll bring you reports from my trip.

Bike greetings from Sweden
Aug 7, 2003
Drop me a line when you are in Korat, we have a few riders here. Mainly offroad (XR650's) and we travel mainly to Cambodia and Laos , CNX is too far away. Also a Scandic social club in Korat nothing formal just a few beers and a chat.

Harry the Finn XR650R


Sep 11, 2005
I have earlier rode XR600 in Sweden and also rode it in some enduro events. I think a XR650 is a nice bike for off-roading in Thailand. I will see how much money I can spend on a bike when I'm there maybe it will be a smaller bike like XR250 or TTR250 to start. In another year I hope I can have a biger bike like the XR650. Actually the town I'm going to is Pakchong in Korat province. I send a message when I'm there, it could be nice to meet up with some bikers.



Aug 24, 2007
I'd just like to know if there is any updated information about travelling from the three pagodas pass to Mae Sot, as I see this thread is pretty old already. Thanx.


Nov 10, 2003
No change. You can get further than Umphang now on 1090 as well as 1167 (to the west) and 1288 (from 1167 to the south) but as far as I know you will still need a permit from the Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary on these roads beyond Umphang.


Originally posted by moto

I'd just like to know if there is any updated information about travelling from the three pagodas pass to Mae Sot, as I see this thread is pretty old already. Thanx.

Jun 21, 2006
This just come in from

Burma border reopens temporarily
Aug 29 2007

Kanchanaburi (TNA) - The Thai-Burmese border crossing at Three Pagodas Pass in this western province was reopened Tuesday after being closed for five months.

On the border at Three Pagoda Pass, in Sangkhla Buri district, some 350 km northwest of Bangkok, authorities from Thailand and Burma jointly witnessed the reopening of the border gate by a Burmese government official following an order by his country's government.

Traffic at the border point will be allowed exclusively for a tin mining concessionaire to transport tin into Thailand. The company is under contract to the Rangoon government.

Temporarily the border has been opened for three days only, between August 28 and 30, after which it will be closed again until September 6 when nationals of both countries will be allowed to cross the border.

Burmese authorities sealed the border at Three Pagoda Pass for the last five months without giving any reason.

Note: For those whom may not know, this is a day pass border only (subject to frequent closures) and not a visa-run point.

Burma closes Three Pagodas Pass again
source: Bkk Post Aug 30

Burma closed Kanchanaburi's Three Pagodas Pass on Thursday after having opened it for only a day.

Thai authority has requested for explanation as to why the pass was shut again, but it did not receive any answer.

Only private trucks carrying tin, which received concession from the Burmese government, are allowed to enter the pass
Jul 11, 2007
In Jan 2004, after having visited Ti Lo Su waterfalls,I wanted to check if it was possible to link Sangkhlaburi as I had read in the 1995 LP edition.I was stopped at Kui Lor Su S/W of Umphang by an army block.The rangers laughed at my question and told us ,my wife and I that,we would not get there alive. Tigers, I asked? No,bandits!
Cheers everybody.