stubzi 0 May 10, 2009 79 0 0 May 19, 2009 #1 Anyone know where I can get hold of front and rear stands for a Bonneville T00 in Phuket?
H HDMAN 0 May 5, 2008 50 1 8 May 31, 2009 #2 Hi I know one there can make them for you, or try MCW in Phuket town
stubzi 0 May 10, 2009 79 0 0 Jun 2, 2009 #4 Yes, I have already been in touch with Brit Bike - they were positive and I'm hoping to hear from them shortly. Failing that I will get some made up at a local fabrication shop.
Yes, I have already been in touch with Brit Bike - they were positive and I'm hoping to hear from them shortly. Failing that I will get some made up at a local fabrication shop.