GT Rider guys in Myanmar


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
A few pics in from Mae Sot / Myawaddy

On the border crossing the bridge



Hotel car park inside Myanmar after 1st night


Hotel bike cleaning service


a full report & loads of photos coming later, after the trip.

Its all very sad for me as I was supposed to be going, but a leg infection has ruled me out this trip; but the next is not too far away.
Aug 25, 2012
Seems like it's easier to get into Burma than Laos now?

Looking forward to the RR - should be very interesting
Mar 30, 2010
Well done GT Riders..

Looking forward to the Trip Reports.

Put me on the list for the next GTR ride over..
Work will just have to get out the way for this...



Sep 2, 2009
It seems that dream comes true. How amazing looking at the bikes trespassing the sacred land which the state doen not allow for a long time. Hope you guys could share the procedures. Have a nice trip then..
Dec 27, 2007
Exciting news! Congrats to all the GT-Riders who participated in this epic ride!

Caught up with the Ambassador at the X-Centre earlier today and he regaled us with some great stories. Definitely looking forward to the RR!

Mar 15, 2003
Hey guys! Just back from this great trip to Myanmar. Unfortunately, on the last day I came down with a killer cold so I am just catching up with my emails etc.

It will probably be a short while until the trip reports make it up in a completed form. We each have many photos to sort, and then share with each other so that the good ones make it to the forum.

I know the most asked question is going to be "How?". So I'll get that out of the way now.

We were only the third group on record to have been allowed into the country. This is due to changes in the new government and constitution. It is still not going to be particularly easy. In reality, the tour operators involved in these trips have been attempting to do this for years. It is my understanding the final approvals actually had to go all the way through the highest levels of the government.

We were invited by our good friend, GT Rider, and CMTR Sponsor, Armin Schoch of Impulse Tourism in Chiang Mai. Armin also organized the trip when we went into Vietnam on our own bikes. He had a big role in gaining the overall approval for these trips.

That said; the trip has to be organized by a Myanmar Company. It took months to get the approvals and paperwork completed. We actually had expected to be entering in early December, but were asked to delay the trip for a few weeks in order for the government to finish issuing the permits and contacting all the officials involved.

I have no idea how often or even when another trip may take place. You can try the contact info below as this is the company ultimately responsible for our trip. However, please don't bother them unless you are very serious and have a group of friends or riders in mind. I am sure they are far from ready to do this for individual riders yet.

For me it was easy. I just kept filling out forms and submitting copies of all the information they continued asking for!!!!!;) It's good to have friends !

All Asia Exclusive Travel
29/1, Gant Gaw Myaing Street
11072 Yangon Myanmar
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Mr. Phyoe Wai Yar Zar
Phone: +951573400
Fax: +951573400

Feb 23, 2014
same here , great to organize it again,maybe for october-nov. (?) when the monsoon is done and there's some time to get permits!
should give it a go! the coast down south must be stunning. rides around Myeik archipelago etc
who's up for it??

brian_bkk;286809 wrote: Well done GT Riders..

Looking forward to the Trip Reports.

Put me on the list for the next GTR ride over..
Work will just have to get out the way for this...

Nov 12, 2013
November works for me and a couple of other friends......

Skytrain;298586 wrote: same here , great to organize it again,maybe for october-nov. (?) when the monsoon is done and there's some time to get permits!
should give it a go! the coast down south must be stunning. rides around Myeik archipelago etc
who's up for it??
Mar 15, 2003
Skytrain;298586 wrote: same here , great to organize it again,maybe for october-nov. (?) when the monsoon is done and there's some time to get permits!
should give it a go! the coast down south must be stunning. rides around Myeik archipelago etc
who's up for it??
Don't get too optimistic about where you may able to ride. The routes must be approved in advance by the Myanmar authorities. It appears that the recent trips are all pretty much following the same basic loops. The same goes for the timing of the trips. Contact one of the operators to see when it can be arranged before doing too much advanced planning. The costs involved also seem to be spiraling. You cannot arrange it and travel on your own.
Feb 23, 2014
november is fine for me too.should try to get a quote from a tour operator,and see if is convenient.
I think after the long rainy season we are all going to be very itchy to get on the bikes and ready for a long ride !
I recently got a quote from an agency for a trip to Yunnan/Shangri-la Tibet border,around 3000km with no backtrack(based on 4-5 riders) it is about $1980 for 17days tour starting at the Laos border.includes the permits,driver licence ,all the paperwork that China requires etc ,a motorized compulsory guide (guide's food/hotel included) for the all trip .
not included for the riders is fuel ,accomodation ,food,extra expences.. I do believe could get some discount on this quote and if more riders join in.and a big plus is being able to choose where to eat or sleep + + pillions are free!(well,they'll share food/hotel, up to u..)
I have a detailed itinerary attachment from the agency,but i am not able to share it here(?) so I can email it if someone is interested

Poompui;298587 wrote: November works for me and a couple of other friends......
Feb 23, 2014
ye unfortunately I know..but it's worth to give it a try .otherwise,earlier I posted about a quote from an agency for a 17days trip to Yunnan/Tibet border.that's a great ones too

SilverhawkUSA;298588 wrote: Don't get too optimistic about where you may able to ride. The routes must be approved in advance by the Myanmar authorities. It appears that the recent trips are all pretty much following the same basic loops. The same goes for the timing of the trips. Contact one of the operators to see when it can be arranged before doing too much advanced planning. The costs involved also seem to be spiraling. You cannot arrange it and travel on your own.
Sep 17, 2007
I want to Myanmar also and I am busy to arrenged it, I have contact with the Minstery of Tourisme, see email that he send me,, maby we can maybe we can exchange information I working as tourleader before in Myanmar an can say I have a little knowledge of the country and roads, my plan is go to , via Kyathio, Bagan, Mandalay etc with a group of 8 riders and 1 car I make contact in Yangoon when I now more I let you now, I been already in Laoos , Cambodja and just back from Singapore

Math from the Netherlands living in Phetchabun

dear sir,
you can visit very freely into myanmar if you have valid passport and visa via myawaddy- mae sot border checkpoint without vehicle.
but if you would like to visit with your motorbike, you need prior permission (need the name list of guest, list of vehicle, photo of the vehicle, etc). and the vehicle also need to register at the local transport authority.
a guide must accompany along the trip with administrative car.
in this regard, we are the government organization and we cannot arrange your travel.
so, if you want to travel with your motorbike, i would like to suggest you to contact with one of the travel agencies in myanmar to arrange your tour.
Dec 27, 2007
Welcome to GT-Rider! :thumbup:

Sounds like a fun trip you have planned to Myanmar. As you've read in this thread, it takes a fair bit of advanced planning to get permission to take your Thai-registered bike into Burma.

Good luck and looking forward to hearing all about it! :happy3: