Yeah DavidFl, mostly I just see lots of guys walking around here with their Beer Chang, Grating Deng shirts and think, it just isn't cool to get a shirt with a big Elephant and Thailand written on it, but it is cool to have little things that says "been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt"...
If you get the stickers done, you can put me down for a few... I am sure other mates here who ride and have ridden TH would like them...
I guess in places where there are good paramedic services on the way, you are mostly trying to limit the damage done by the good intenioned passer-by until they get there... usually in Aus, someone with some medical skills will happen along soon enough... you just don't want them to do the first logical thing which is remove your helmet, which may well be stabilising a neck injury...
Hopefully, because they have training, they would disregard it only if really necessary...
It is already a popular sticker here, just theought the Thai script would be a nice spin, and maybe drinking money spinner for The GTRider...
