TJ, Defoestation has ruined the Camerons. Been told it isn't as cool anymore. Riding in Malaysia must be quite different from GT, I expect. I have a banker friend here who hits the oads on long holidays. Laugh. He wasn't too impressed though.
There is this man made Island called Banding Island along the North South highway. A lot of country surrounding. I loved it the last time we drove through.
Where dis you go to on your road trips? The Peninsula is not really adventurous, I think. Too much concrete. But Sarawak and Sabah in Borneo is something too check out. I have a friend who has roots there. This July , when the Intenational Music festival hits Kuching, we are planning to go down. She is a tribeswoman. The Long houses are still there. It's the last few frontiers left on earth... I wanna see it before its all gone. If you enjoy caving, I hear the Mulu Caves are spectacular. The only vehicles that are suitable for these parts are 4 wheel drives and your dirt bikes. Also Labuan island is beautiful. Am salivating just thinking about both destinations. Deep sea divers are often based there.
Malaysia is so tiny in comparison to the rest of the world but I'm embarrassed to say that I still have not seen all of it! Apprehensive about backpacking alone. Lots of psycopaths out there...
You coming back here any time soon, TJ? I can connect you with the Sarawakian contact, if you wish.